Posts Tagged ‘law’

the secret of reverse pyschology propaganda: resistance is creative attention

April 1, 2012

Resistance is attention and attention is creative.

This posts arises from a dialogue. Here is how it started.

Reverse of the Series 1934 $100 Gold Certificate

Reverse of the Series 1934 $100 Gold Certificate (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Mrs. Hope Johnson wrote:
“Thanks everyone for your comments on this post. They have helped me to more deeply understand resistance and how it can be used to bring about peace and freedom.

Here’s a link to my most recent article, inspired by my interaction with all of you: ”


My response to her:

Hope, here is my reply to your post, with two links added at the end here. Your conversation is to me like a push against a stack of dominoes that I have been setting up for the last 7 years. Thanks and do enjoy. Comments are of course welcome.

US gold certificate (1922)

US gold certificate (1922) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

re: “Just as eating optimal nutrients resists decay in the body by promoting physical health, so too does peaceful assertion of individual rights resist controlling or oppressive governmental forces by promoting freedom.”

I think of this re “assertion:” as we exercise authority, freedom, sovereignty, responsibility, and prudence, we practice intelligence in our investments of attention and other resources such as money. We organize our finances not around the default legal structures that benefit governments- like automatically putting our assets and revenues under “our own” SSN (it’s actually the SSA’s account, not yours or mine) and in our own legal name (again, a structure that is “legal fiction” as a corporate citizen franchise under the accounting and jurisdiction of the USA or UK or EU etc), such that they are exposed to maximum taxes and court liabilities.

In regard to the legal status of “CITIZEN,” I offer this quotation:
Citibank… is deemed a citizen of any state in which
it physically maintains branches.” – US District Ct of
Appeals, 1st Circuit, December 19, 2005.
See also

Further, there is the matter of the prudent allocation of investments, whether in a charitable trust or other structure explicitly exempt from taxation and legally protected by courts from most legal challenges or controversies. Most people ignore the obvious set-ups of recent decades, such as the retiring of the baby boom, and thus were surprised by market developments that I and many others have been forecasting for quite a while. (See

Rather than benefit from the emerging shift, many have poured themselves deeply into debt, aggressively entering markets like real estate and, more recently, gold. Citing the exact same rationalizations as gold investors did in the late 1970s, gold investors may be almost as disappointed as they were from 1980 to 2000… or even as disappointed as mainstream real estate investors have been recently and [according to my projections] will be much more so in the next few years… or even as disappointed as holders of US gold certificates in 1933, when the Federal Reserve foreclosed on the debts owed to it by the US Treasury and produced a “voluntary confiscation” by criminalizing the possession of gold certificates by US Citizens (but not foreigners, who were outside of the jurisdiction of the US and were not the underwriters or sureties of the debts incurred or billed to the taxpaying citizens by those Doing Business As the USA).

Detail of Preamble to Constitution of the Unit...

Detail of Preamble to Constitution of the United States Polski: Fragment preambuły Konstytucji Stanów Zjednoczonych (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Citizens may complain of constitutions and rights, rather than exercising their intelligence and responsibility. They may ignore the provisions in the US Constitution for the explicit acknowledgment of treaties as one of three components of the supreme law of the land:

Here is the “Supremacy Clause” of Article VI: “The judges of every
state shall be bound” by “this Constitution, the Laws of the United
States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof, and all Treaties
made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United
States, [which] shall be the supreme Law of the Land.”

For more, see

The basic thing is that people can argue amongst themselves while bullets and bombs are flying, or they can take action to promote security and prosperity. Operations of government begin and end. They are not to be relied on as if they are God- and neither is gold or silver or any currency or investment or legal structure.

I’ve written extensively on the psychology of what is shifting as well as the history and economics. Rather than allowing change to inform their own actions and benefit dramatically from the most obvious and sudden redistribution of economic resources that I personally know of, and perhaps in the recorded history of mankind, how many of us are instead complaining about things like that the FDA is “full of sh!t” STILL. Seriously, when was that not the case? (Their information and agenda is limited…. So what?)

Those who are arrogant shall be humbled. Those who are asleep shall be wakened. Those who are antagonistic shall be mired in conflict. Those who are judgmental shall be agonizing in the hell of shame and guilt.

Deutsch: Polizeiwagen der Federal Reserve Poli...

Deutsch: Polizeiwagen der Federal Reserve Polizeil (Bundesbankpolizei) English: Federal reserve police car, St. Louis, MO (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Pieces of this message are not new to any of us, right? However, when the last piece of the puzzle is put into place, even those of us who have not been looking at the picture on the box in which the puzzle came… will know what the puzzle shows when assembled. By the way, if the governments or mass media or churches give us a boxtop that does not match the actual puzzle that is in the box, that does not mean that we should wait for them to give us the correct blueprint or build the puzzle for us.

Put it all together. Do the math.

Many people will experience dramatic increases in various forms of suffering. We are not at fault for their suffering- nor then for own our past suffering. However, we have the opportunity now to learn as well as to teach.

The meek shall inherit the earth and receive abundance overflowing, but the price of giving up vanity and self-righteousness may seem too high for some, so life may “turn the tables” and raise the relative cost of keeping vanity. Thank heavens for that.

(see also:

Published on: Oct 27, 2009

Description: Newspaper clipping USA, Woodrow W...

Description: Newspaper clipping USA, Woodrow Wilson signs creation of the Federal Reserve. Source: Date: 24 December 1913 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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song: “a new label” (the secret of language)

January 1, 2012
a new label (the secret of language)
My words are law
as long as you obey them
My name is God
but you can call me Satan
I tell you what should be
I train you in the art of hating
I may say it’s all for you
but maybe I am making
out like a bandit
as in pirate
as in banking
cartel empire monopoly
mafia syndicate racketeering
politician drama mythology
one party media propaganda machine
It’s not crazy talk
unless you don’t know the code
Can you speak Jabberwock?
If not, then don’t interpret it as broken
My dog only hears noise
when you speak in fluent Latin
Letters are just shapes
until you learn the whole alphabet
I know the secret
you have been trained does not exist
But I can’t tell you
Till you stop resisting and just listen
to the sounds
before you make them in to words
what do they mean
is it gibberish, brilliant, or absurd
Well you won’t know until you get it
and you won’t get it till you wake
up to the power of the language in the brain
is it a mystery
or is it confusing
if I use words
beyond your fluency
ignorance is not confusion
what is confusion
is there even really such a thing?
how would you know?
compared to what?
are you only dreaming
that you’re just a front
a facade, a fake, a layer of an onion
claiming to be the whole enchilada
is it the opposite: a giant pretending to be small
are you God playing the victim of your shadow on the wall
people should not be evil
as in powerful
so if someone shows power
then we must hate them
why must we hate them
because I said so
but what difference does that make
hell, I don’t know
I hate the politicians
cause they taught me how to hate
I blame the propagandists
cause they told me not to blame
Diagnosis is hypnosis
a new label refills the jar
my excuses are the juiciest
my problems are so hard
I can’t beat the system
because I think I should
I won’t give up suffering
feeling bad looks too good
I caught hypochondria
and it is incurable
I got an immune system
but it isn’t working
it’s coughing and sneezing
I don’t know what is wrong
it’s vomiting and wheezing
we should probably turn it off
If people should not be powerful, that includes me
If people should not be anything, that includes me
So sacrifice your limits at the risk of being free
is your only limit idolatry
the false gods you worship so loyally
is it a church, teacher or ideology
who taught it to you
or was it written on your heart directly by God
and is that who you are certain that you are not
so you need a mediator, priest or courier
Jesus said:
“I am the gate” and “I am the way
the truth and the life,” but what does that mean?
Yes, it’s translated,
but the point is not going through another,
not using good works nor one certain method
Straight to God, directly, no intermediary
no intercessor, for “I am the truth” already
but what say you?
do you deny that there is a light within you
or is there only the light
and the identity in language is just a shadow?

Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”

9Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work…. You will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.”

My words are law
as long as you obey them
My name is God
but you can call me Satan
Is diagnosis hypnosis
does a new label really refill the jar
or are the contents still the same
with or without a new label made of thought?