“Against Love” and for blame

Here is a private conversation, which started with someone sending me a book review of “Against Love” by a lady named Kipnis. http://www.reviewsofbooks.com/against_love/review/

JR (in US):

I may generally agree with Kipnis. However, we are in the midst of a vast cultural and ecological crisis of which the crisis in marriage (in certain cultures at least) is a small symptom.

Traditionally, women have a primary social value as mothers, as bearers of children. In over-populated societies, children are naturally valued less than in societies expanding smoothly in population.

So, what we may call the equalizing of the value of women is actually decades of masculinizing of women, bringing them in to the commercial workforce, making them property owners and consumer debtors. We do not want them making more babies. By we, I mean all of us, including all women in general.

First, we repress women and glorify the female pre-adolescent (amd male pre-adolescent). We shave legs and armpits (or, for men, faces). We call that sexy and then promote contraceptives and explore alternatives like anal sex and oral sex (which are less likely to lead to pregnancy). We are a culture of dependents, of socialist wards of the centralist big brother state, of emotional and socio-economic children, though physically mature.

Marriage is an institution favoring men in many ways, and also children. When society no longer values children how it did,

Photograph of RMIT Muslim students praying out...

Photograph of RMIT Muslim students praying outside. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

it no longer values marriage how it did. We do not need children to work our farms. We may THINK that we do not need children to support us in our old age, becuse the government will do that for us.

Of course, just as the japanese found when their demographics shifted in1989, a youthful population is valuable for the welfare of the elderly. The government cannot support the elderly without forcibly extracting economic productivity from the productive younger adults (ages 21-65 or whatever).

Now, Europe and North America are only about a decade behind Japan. The socialist regimes will collapse under the weight of an elderly population that has not valued children.

Further, this is all quite appropriate. The near future will be quite challenging for many people, including elderly ad youth. What is desperately relevant now is a mature masculinity, beyond the macho posturing of the adolescent, lusty masculinity that just wants to fuck and have children as an accomplishment for pride and “what I should do,” which is a phrase that clearly indicates vanity. any use of should is vain. And, vanity has it’s relevnace in the larger cycle of human development.

Danijela (who is in Croatia, a small nation that has been seeking admission in to the EU– the European equivalent of the north american union in 1789 of 13 independent jurisdictions. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accession_of_Croatia_to_the_European_Union ):

Yes, I agree with you. We need emancipation of men as well as we need emancipation of women, based on virtue, mutual respect, understanding and cooperation versus stereotype prejudice, slight, competition and prooving who is better. Individualism which deny communion and accent separation is also vanity. It is individualisam based on proud, greedines, fear, emptines and frozen hart.

When you are talking about Japan, I remember one documentary about Japanes problems with retired people. First, there is problem with marriage, for many women want to devorce because they have during the time alienated from their husbands who were always at work, and now they are suddenly at home. And Japanes are started to worry about future when they had 5 workers to 1 retired. For example, we in Croatia have 1,5 worker to 1 retired and higher mortality then natality. Recently I got one not very benevolent mail about problems with muslim population. Muslims have more children then westerns. In France in 30 years will be more muslims then French. Intention of mail´s author was to say that it is terrorism. Muslims are making children to destroy white race. Alarming question at the end of mail was “WILL YOU ACT?” and I am shure he doesn´t mean will you make love (not war) or will you make children.

Vanity has it’s place, as does competition and fear. The proud and arrogant will be humbled. They may lack respect for fear. That can change quickly.

This is not just about emancipation, but challenge and crisis and de-population. People who are complacent may be jostled quite a bit by life toward emancipation, and much de-stabilization is likely, including many deaths. It is not that death is a new thing, but the generation gaps in North America, Europe, and Japan are likely to contribute to economic and political destabilization. The older generations have set up programs and practices which will bankrupt nations (and regions) and the young people will eventually figure this out and rebel against what they will consider as injustice if not outright fraud and insanity.

People may have lost their respect for death and so they lose their respect for life. I do not speak of these things as problems to be solved- like there is not enough respect for life and death or the generation gap is wrong and should be fixed. I am just a simple prophet. Many deaths are coming and respect for life will come along with them. The EU will dissolve, perhaps with outside “assistance.” “The West” in general will fall. The masses of developing Asia are quietly advancing, though they will also be thinned out- as in survival of the fittest- in the coming transition.

When you are talking about Japan, I remember one documentary about Japanes problems with retired people. First, there is problem with marriage, for many women want to devorce because they have during the time alienated from their husbands who were always at work, and now they are suddenly at home. And Japanes are started to worry about future when they had 5 workers to 1 retired. For example, we in Croatia have 1,5 worker to 1 retired and higher mortality then natality. Recently I got one not very benevolent mail about problems with muslim population. Muslims have more children then westerns.

Right. That is just what I was mentioning more before I read further in to your reply.

The Muslims are advancing in numbers, especially among the younger generations, which are presumed to be the productive ones economically. The whiny, arrogant, belligerent white people of North America and Europe are terrified of a future of depending on Muslim youth (or, in Arizona, Hispanic youth- as here it is Hispanics and especially Mexican immigrants who are the only hope for programs like “social security,” and yet the white elders are dividing themselves against their only hope.)

So, the insane elders are depending on programs with no integrity- programs that will also destroy their own descendents unless their descendents “wise up,” which seems in the near future unlikely to me as a forecaster. What is predictable is that the de-stabilizing white elitists will continue responding to their own suicidal politics and economics with more and more belligerent attacks against the muslims and any other vulnerable targets. That is, they will blind themselves to their self-destruction and even accelerate it by attracting to themselves animosity, like the US by invading Afghanistan and Iraq.

For now, the middle eastern Muslims are generally amicable to the US and Europe, for that is where they sell so much oil. However, as the West’s economic collapse proceeds and the lenders of Asia begin to foreclose on the US and EU, and then become the primary purchasers of oil from the middle east, the geopolitical affinities of the muslim world toward “the West” may “fall off of a cliff.”

Note that there are billions of Muslims just in India. Something like 20% of humanity is Muslim, and growing faster than any other major religious demographic. The marriage rate, divorce rate, and birth rate are not dropping so much for those billions of muslims as it is for the christian-raised caucasian elitist socialist “American dreamers.” Of course, I happen to have been one of them and in some ways still may be.

>>In France in 30 years will be more muslims then French. Intention of mail´s author was to say that it is terrorism. Muslims are making children to destroy white race. Alarming question at the end of mail was “WILL YOU ACT?” and I am shure he doesn´t mean will you make love (not war) or will you make children.
Right, the muslims are being villainized. This is like an old feeble man (or drunk teenager) cursing at a squad of sleeping soldiers. Even if the soldiers had been willing to stay to themselves, after being antagonized, it would be a miracle if at least a few feeble old men or arrogant teenagers do not get seriously injured.

The nationalist socialist elitists of the West want the young people of the entire world (including their newest colonies) to give them luxurious retirements, but also to be constantly insulted and abused by them while they do it. This is a temporary development.

One Response to ““Against Love” and for blame”

  1. jrfibonacci Says:

    As for the title “for blame,” I was just being sarcastic. Everything I wrote above could be over-dramatic and sensationalized, and I know it. That is what creative writers do sometimes.

    However, regarding blame, I note the surge over the last few years of blame toward “the financial system,” which seems to be a trend that has gathered a herd of followers, myself having been one some years ago. Many “reactionary patriots” in the West blame the tax system or the financial system or the legal system or whatever. I think of authors like David Icke as an example, with lots of rage but not much of what I would call practical leadership- or not publicly- though who knows what he talks about in private?

    I am not just a thinker or writer or analyst or critic. I am promoting practical adjustments that people can make (and you can contact me privately for details) that can allow for a relatively smooth transition from Western imperialist hegemony to a more equitable distribution of wealth throughout the world, which is already being produced by the deflationary crisis in which the western consumer debtors are surrendering their bankrutpcy estates to a concentration of folks including the lenders/creditors of the east, from the far east which it’s huge populations of well-educated poor people to the middle east with it’s concentrations of oil.

    I was speaking a few days ago to a Chinese lady about the vast cultural differences between the Chinese and Westerners. Westerners (stereotypically) want unlimited supplies of free stuff (i.e. national socialism) and are like rabid dogs if anyone tries to question their entitlement mentality. Chinese (and asians in general) tend to work hard, and to be diligent and successful in academics, especially math and science and engineering. Easterners will work for $10,000 per year doing the same things that Westerners are too arrogant (or perhaps just too in debt) to “bother” doing for $40,000 per year.

    I think the anti-Muslim sentiment in Europe and North America is a natural development. Westerners are focused on the Middle East and it’s tremendous ascent to wealth in recent decades (similar to the US’s rocketing ascent to wealth on the commodity oil in the late 19th and early 20th centuries). Muslims are an easy target for animosity, given their “Beverly Hillbillies” ascent to prosperity, plus they are pouring in to Europe. We may forget that huge numbers of muslims are also in India and the smaller regions of indo-china.

    In contrast, Westerners have too much affinity for China and Korea and so on to demonize them, since that is where we get our sacred video games and cell phones and shoes and so on. So, you can have your pick of who to blame: Obama, Neo-cons, the Fed, the Muslims, your grandpa. If you are interested instead of blame in personal responsibilty, I invite you to let me know right now.

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