Posts Tagged ‘Almighty’

a metaphor about the Grace of an Almighty God

December 8, 2014

If God is Almighty, and we are each like branches of the Tree of God, then we are each an “activity of God.” If that were true, then what stages does God create in our lives?

There is an early stage of total naivete. Over time, God arranges it that we develop self-awareness and self-discipline. We may also develop the ability to “pretend not to be afraid when afraid” or to “pretend not to feel regret when feeling regret.” All of that is always the result of the will of God.

So, God arranges that we get “out of focus” (so afraid of being chastised for displaying fear that we suppress our ability to even recognize our own experience of fear- that repressed- that much chronic physical tension to block the muscles of crying in the neck and face and so on.) Through the motivation that results from being so “out of focus,” God further arranges that we may develop new focus.

Then, we can better perceive our own fright and fear and naivete and regret and panic etc. God arranges that some of us even welcome those “negative emotions” (at least in moderate doses) and experience a radical new thing called courage.

It is not the absence of fear. It is not repressing fear and shaming people who experience fear or display it. That is paranoia, hysteria, delusion, and cowardice.

Courage is being INTERESTED in fear and in precisely assessing danger, and then in taking action WITH an awareness of risk and danger and so on- and always knowing that our assessments and presumptions may need radical updating suddenly.

This is about something commonly called “grace.” We could say “being graceful.”

It is not the result of “focusing intent on being graceful.” God may arrange for us to talk a lot about grace and if so, great. But talking about it is not the same as experiencing it.

God may arrange for some of us to experience grace. It may even come and go quickly. However, in some cases, God arranges for a dramatic and lasting shift to grace.

The Supreme Faith of the Almighty God

June 6, 2014

When one confronts faith, by which I mean an openness to all possibilities without attachment to any idea or ideal, then my past practices of sorting out what should have been and what should not have been may seem now to be rather arrogant (naive, hysterical) condemnations of the Will of God.

 However, if God is Almighty, then all condemnations are also the Will of God. I need not be ashamed of my past history of vilifcations and condemnations and shamings and so on.

I may have been naive, yes. I may have been hysterical, yes. I may have been ashamed, yes. I may be again.

One with faith need not be paranoid about avoiding such things. In fact, it could be useful to recognize any future instances of naivete, right?

I may have judged my own life as imperfect. I may have judged celebrities and politicians and peers and family members and so forth. I may again, right?

I may have hysterically feared “negativity” and “the devil.” Do I recognize that there COULD BE a category in language of an inclusive Almighty (as in all-powerful) creativity? How can there be anyone to even approach contesting with the Almighty? Could any perception in regard to “a God that fears the devil” have been a valid interpretation, but one that is simply not monotheistic at all?

Could it be wise for a human to fear “negativity?” Perhaps. However, perhaps it is even wiser to respect negativity- rather than any kind of hysterical paranoia about it (condemnation of it, etc)….

If I declare that “I am settling” for some particular circumstance, so be it. If I declare that “I claim as mine” some particular contrasting outcome, so be it.

If there is only one Almighty, then that one creates all creations: all languages, all sequences of words, all voices, all listeners, all perceptions, even all religious traditions and rituals and historical developments. Well, which part of “The Almighty creates all” is unclear?

Perhaps it is very clear. Yet, perhaps I may have been pretending otherwise. Eh… well, you know what I really need to do before I can be happy is to save all the terrified naive people from being terrified or naive. Then, again, that could also be pretending to be pretentious and I might do that or I might not.

The Supreme Faith of God is a distinct thing to experience. An Almighty God does not need my faith in the Almighty God. Faith IN God loses my interest completely once the faith OF God is what I experience as the possibility which is now present already.

I declare peace with my own past. I declare faith as my future.

Hmmm…. I could really get used to this. 😛

Teaching Salvation (by an Almighty God) to Christian Evangelicals

May 14, 2014


    Sidenote: “I am not sure what evangelical means exactly, so I reserve the right to be one of those.” LOL

    I think it means “someone who is so insecure in their own spirituality that they are argumentative and antagonistic of anything not already familiar to them. They are afraid of learning. Specifically, they are ignorant of the fact that the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD convened to create a ‘new deity’ borrowing from the myths of Krishna, Dionysus, Mithras, Osiris, and, before all of those, Tammuz. Folks who are unfamiliar with those older myths may not recognize the same elements in the popular version of Jesus. This new deity was not really a new deity though, but just a new Roman name for an old form of religion. This Christ was another of several Roman Christs- not the first- for Christ was an old Roman title.”
  • Not only do most “evangelicals” not know about any of that (as far as I know?), but they would be terrified to learn of it. Their idolatry is complex, so to talk to them requires a lot of “transitional issues” like “do you worship a God who is jealous of other gods and other religions like some Hebrews… or do you worship an Almighty God who has no such insecurities because the Almighty God has created all of the religions? If you do not worship the Almighty Creator, how do you explain all of the things that you say that your God did not create? I thought you were a monotheist. Are you saying now that there are at least two Gods?”
  • “I am not a Hindu myself, but in the Hindu tradition, there is a single Almighty God which has three aspects: what you might call a trinity of a Father. Mother, and Child. However, all of those three aspects are said to be like branches of a single tree. Each branch is entirely composed of tree.”
  •  (or… has 3 powers: the power to create, the power to sustain, and the power to destroy. For instance, Shiva (is the name in the language used by Hindus) for the Almighty God’s power to destroy. Do you agree that an Almighty God must have all of these aspects: to create, to sustain, and destroy… or do you disagree with the Hindus on that point? Do you think that there is some other God than yours who have those abilities and that your so-called “monotheistic” God does not?)
  • Regarding Heaven, they are concerned about whether THEY will go there or not and they are so out of touch with their own paranoia and shame that use it to justify AGONIZING now. They are in hell.
  • (They use the subject of heaven and hell to justify agonizing over things like what church their kin attends.)

    “If you say that heaven is eternal, then why aren’t you experiencing it now? Is it a sin to distress over whether you will be lonely after you die if your family members are not with you? Are you concerned that you will be suffering without them? In other words, are you concerned that you will suffer eternal punishment in hell?”

    “Has Jesus saved you already or are you waiting until after you stop agonizing for him to save you later?”

    “Anyway, back to the Hindus, they not only taught that the Almighty God is the entire tree as well as all of the branches, but that even if a leaf falls from that tree, it is still a perfect creation of the Almighty. If it falls three inches, it still has the same perfection as if it falls nine inches.
  • There is no other God but God. There is only one Almighty Creator. There is no power outside of God. If something happens, that is the Will of God.

    Those who worship a single branch may say that some branches should be and some branches should not be. They reject the work of the Almighty God and they reject monotheism in favor of their idolatry. However, this is also the perfect will of the Almighty who has used this process to humble the arrogant by giving them both the experience of sin and, eventually, of salvation.”

    “What source do you assert for your religion? Is it from an Almighty God?
  • Pick another religious tradition from your own- perhaps Amish or Hindu or Anglican or Norse or Mormon or Egyptian. Now, what source do you assert for that tradition?

    Do you assert that there are multiple powers (that do not have any common roots) which create these various traditions? Or, do you assert that there is a common root which has put every hair on the head of every creature that has ever lived, that has created every language and ever word and has caused these words right now to be sequenced just in this sequence before you… and has also caused for you to be able to understand them?”

    Do you reject the idea of a single Almighty Creator of all things? Do you worship a creative force that you claim only created a few things?
  • “Christian, do you know which religious tradition this is from?”

    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil.



    Do you know?

    That is from the Old Testament Hebrew Prophet most often quoted by Jesus in the New Testament.

    You know him as Isaiah.

    That is the King James translation of Isaiah 45:7.
  •  So, Christian, are you telling me that you worship a different God than the God written about by Isaiah in the Bible?
  • Do you worship an Almighty God who even creates evil?

    Or do you worship a timid God who is terrified of evil?


    In other words, does your God fear evil or did your God create evil?

    Does your God fear hell or did your God create hell?

    Does your God fear sin or did your God create sin?

  • Does your religion teach you to condemn what God has created or to respect what God has created?

    Does your religion teach agonizing or does your religion teach faith?


    I’m not asking if faith will earn you salvation. I’m asking if the fruit of salvation is faith or if it is distress and paranoia. Also, is the fruit of sin faith or is it fear?
    Does your religion teach that you have definitely not experienced salvation yet, so you should stress and strive and agonize, or does your religion teach that salvation is a matter that is entirely up to the Almighty God. Does your religion worship something that is evident right now right here today- the power and grace of the Almighty God- or does your religion worship some alleged higher priority? What is the higher priority to you: to humble yourself in gratitude right now to the power and grace of the Almighty God which is evident to you now or to reject that option and instead obsess and agonize and distress over some human speculations about salvation?

Almighty Time vs the threat to the Almighty

May 5, 2014
Time is eternal. It is everywhere. It has power over all forms (which are all only temporary). 

How could anyone ever escape from it? What is outside of time?

What can oppose time? What can reverse time? What can defeat time? What can change time?


Time is Almighty. Further, time has no challenger.

Unlike the mythical figure of a God who is weak enough that a fallen angel could rebel against that God (or challenge the authority of that God), time is the inclusive god of monotheism.The religious systems that propose the existence of a challenger or devil are obviously not really monotheistic. Those systems worship both of their competing pair of sacred idols: the villain and the savior. That is a false pretense of monotheism: an imposter.


Time is not that so-called Lord who is so weak that rebels would need to be identified and then intimidated in to obedience. Time does not compel obedience for there is no disobedience to the actual Almighty, The Lord of Lords. Disobedience is only an issue to charlatans, false gods, or idols.


For those who are open to witnessing the Almighty Will of the Lord of Lords, that Will is manifest in all forms and all experiences. No matter where they look, they find another aspect of the Creation of the Almighty Will.
There is nothing outside of the Creation of the Almighty. Even the poetic figure of a devil must be recognized as a manifestation of any singular, inclusive, Almighty power. The diabolical slanderer who throws labels around in order to influence and deceive… is  also a creation of the single Creator, just a useful protaganist invented by the Almighty author.

So, there is no disobeying the Almighty. No creation of the Almighty can ever stop being just a creation.
When confused people argue over “is this the Will of God or not,” they display that they are insecure idolaters who do not know the Almighty. They lack clarity, so they lack faith (confidence, certainty). Eventually, if they get frustrated and humiliated enough to be motivated to change, then they may eventually stop their idolatry and begin a totally new exploration.

So, the Almighty is the source of poetic symbols such as a Devil or a personal Savior. The Lord over all of creation is the one who forms all creations (all forms of all creatures). The Almighty also forms all labels and every language.

Good and evil are poetic symbols of the Almighty. Identities like Devils and Saviors are all instruments of the Almighty, like branches of a single tree, all with the same trunk.


Time may arrange for humans at an early developmental stage to worship the symbolic tree of “the knowledge of good and evil,” which is the stage of opposition and conflict (and confusion). Because a human may still be immature and afraid, they may worship the idea of a good that overcomes evil.
Incidentally, that is based on a misunderstanding of the words “good and evil.” That is like worshiping the idea of one side of a piece of paper overcoming the other side. Good and evil are two sides of the same symbolic coin.


So, time may construct the poetic figures of a cautious divine power that is opposed by another power that is permissive and encouraging. One character says “Do not give any attention to reverse psychology,” while the other quietly says “that is a lie, a trick, just a way to confuse you and control you!”

Eventually, the more masculine of the two isolated and opposing divine powers curses the “shameful criminals” after they faithfully perform the task assigned to them by the jealous god who forbids taboo subjects like reverse psychology. In particular, the people were programmed to resist the idea of eating the poison apple, then after resisting with intense concentration, they surrendered to the programmed temptation by eating the apple and then fell under the spell of the wicked witches (or wizards).

Because of their “shameful crimes,” all of humanity is alleged to be subject to the curses issued by that God, the one who frightens people with threats of eternal punishment, yet also offers bribes of rewards of eternal paradise. The essential partner of that God is of course the divine power symbolizing temptation. It is the classic “good cop, bad cop” routine. It is like the public defender and the prosecutor who both have the same boss.


Why did the imperial Hebrew Prophets eventually claim global domination over all of humanity? The taming of the uncivilized was proclaimed to be only as a service to those enslaved and slaughtered and civilized.

What was the benefit of the service? The reward was salvation from the Hebrew God’s threat (publicized by Noah) of another apocalyptic destruction like the prior great flood.

For instance, Moses only ordered the Hebrew priests to slaughter the masses of sinners in order to promote the “greater good.” Those rituals of human sacrifice have continued for thousands of years, but much less frequently than their rituals of animal sacrifice.

In the specific case of the Hebrew genocide against the Midianites, the faithful were commanded to kill all of their opponents (including women and children) except for fertile female virgins, who were given to the Israelite soldiers and their allies as part of their compensation package. These passages from the Old Testament give an accounting of the events: 
Numbers 31: 15, 17-18: 15 “Have you allowed all the women to live?” [Moses] asked them [the military leaders]…. 17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.”

Numbers 31:32-40:

32 The plunder remaining from the spoils that the soldiers took was 675,000 sheep, 33 72,000 cattle, 34 61,000 donkeys 35 and 32,000 women who had never slept with a man.

 36 The half share of those who fought in the battle was:
337,500 sheep, 37 of which the tribute for the LORD was 675;

 38 36,000 cattle, of which the tribute for the LORD was 72;

 39 30,500 donkeys, of which the tribute for the LORD was 61;

 40 16,000 people [virgin women], of which the tribute for the LORD was 32.

Some people may be offended by the methods that were developed and advanced by the Ancient Hebrews. However, being offended by the Will of the Almighty is normal and is simply a sign of immaturity.
Forget, at least for a while, any condemnations that you may have made against what the Almighty may have done. If you condemned any other creation of the Almighty, perhaps that was only because you also learned to do so to attempt to temporarily promote your own self-interest. Further, if you condemned the Will of the Almighty, and if the Will of the Almighty is Almighty, then it must have been the Will of the Almighty for you to condemn the Will of the Almighty. Get over it!
Time is what created you. Time is also what gave you the experience of shame, (not as a punishment for the horrific crime of being human, but just as a normal human experience). Time presented you with rewards and punishments, as well as with language, along with the form of deception labeled “reverse psychology.” Through time, you experience learning. Welcome to time.
By the way, if you experience the perception that you currently need a savior to rescue you from the hell of your shame and agonizing, then perhaps that is a sign that you have not been worshiping the Almighty, but just some idol. Only those who believe that they are not already saved would be anxious about finding a savior and obeying.

The fruit or result of some worship is the experience of fear, chronic tension, personal antagonism, and distress. Faith and poise contrast with the poisonous fruit of the great deceiver.


Could you have a deep sense of calm through worshiping one who cannot be disobeyed? What agonizing could persist if one discards the perfetionist’s schizophrenic quest to sort  good from evil? Stop worshiping hell and you will escape it by no longer practicing it.
Could you humbly accept that the Almighty is Almighty? Of course, even one who accepts the Almighty could still claim a pretense of fearing some devil who threatens the Almighty. If some lack the intelligence to identify the sarcasm, so be it.

Those who worship sincerity may have their full reward already. They may fear being labeled insincere. Does an actor following a script fear being identified later as someone who was just pretending all along? (I suppose that could depend on whether they are an undercover cop in a sting operation, a spy in a war zone, or just an entertainer in the studio.)




February 1, 2014


An eternal law that is not exclusive to any place or any time

Some laws are created by specific people at a particular point in time and then the laws are enforced temporarily (for years or perhaps even centuries).Those laws are only enforced within a specific region and that region can grow or shrink over time. Because the enforcement of these laws in any particular place are temporary, we can call them temporal laws or the exercise of temporal power, which is the imposing by force of these laws which can change.

These enforced laws can be revised, amended, and even repealed or voided (as in reversed such that they are deemed to never have been valid as an enforced law all the way back to the beginning of that so-called temporary law of temporary force). Further, there are even specific rules governing how these laws can be changed. However, those rules that govern over the changing of temporal laws are also only temporal. They are the temporary activity of the temporary use of temporary force. In contrast to those laws which only apply exclusively in particular places and times and other limited conditions, there is an entirely distinct realm of law which we will now explore.

Inclusive and/or exclusive”

Now, when we are using language, we recognize contrasting categories, such as day and night. We can also identify smaller subcategories, like the morning and the afternoon. Morning and afternoon are not only distinct from each other but are also included within the broader category of day.

So, we can say that all of the categories above are times (also called periods of time or divisions of time. Within the day time is the morning time and the time of afternoon. Within every week, there will be both the nights and also the days, which include mornings and afternoons.

Language is a system of overlapping categories, some very large or vague and some very small or precise. Every category can be divided in to exclusive subcategories. Further, each category is itself a limited portion of a categorical label that is even more inclusive.

The Realm of the Holy

However, there is a logical limit to inclusiveness. There is a label in language for a category that is distinct from all other categories. In contrast to other categories that exclude, there is a category that does not exclude anything. It is all-inclusive.

We can label that realm the realm of the holy. It includes all other exclusive realms. It is like a tree that includes all of the branches of the tree or a huge mansion that includes every room within the mansion.

The realm of the holy includes all distinctions, all categories, all contrasts and all exclusions. There is nothing outside of it or beyond it.

It is the realm of language itself. It is the realm of labels and even of words and concepts, such as “early in the morning” or “the temporary imposing of temporary laws.”

What does the Holy do?

We may have been informed that the Holy is what spoke to divide the day from the night. That is correct, because language itself is one activity of the Holy. Further, any activity which arises is the activity of the Holy. There is nothing outside of the inclusive. The word Holy means complete as in total or entire or inclusive or undivided or whole.

So, day and night are just linguistic categories. There is no tangible division between day and night.

In fact, day and night are not even times in the absolute sense, but places. It is always daytime somewhere and nighttime somewhere else. When the day seems to arrive to where I am, I call that the arrival of the day. However, according to the idea of a planet that spins near a bright source of light called the sun, I am the one who arrived to the place of day, to the region of space where the sunlight is directly shining on that place on the earth.

What is done without the Holy?

So, the Holy includes the sun which shines and the earth which spins and the human who talks about all of this. Language specifies or focuses on the various aspects of the Holy and how they interact.

Does the Holy include language? The Holy is all-inclusive.

What is done without the Holy? The Holy is the source of all activity. When the sun shines, that is the Holy naming the sun and causing it to shine. When the earth spins, that is the Holy naming the earth and causing it to spin. When the human talks about all of this, that is the Holy identifying the presence of a human and then causing it to do whatever it may be doing, to say whatever it may be saying, and to experience whatever it may be experiencing.

The Holy can use language to identify a series of actors or identities, such as “my fist opened up to create a new thing which did not exist before. My fist disappeared and suddenly in it’s place appeared a hand with outstretched fingers, and then soon my fingers picked up my cup and then my cup lifted my water to my mouth, where my water suddenly disappeared. The full cup was replaced by an empty cup simply because my water chose to dive in to my mouth.”

What exists outside of the Holy?

So,using language, the Holy can invent the idea of isolated identities that are exclusive. The Holy can invent the idea in language of some isolated identity that is not acting as a branching of the tree.

The Holy can claim that a particular branch is against the tree, the rebel of tree, the enemy of the tree, or even the savior of the tree. That branch will be destined to save the tree from being a tree. An isolated identity can issue a threat against the Almighty to terrify the Almighty.

The Holy author can create a drama in which one character in the story threatens the author with disrupting the writing process or even with threatening their authority as author of the drama. “I, not you, am the real authority here,” said the character with the great confidence of someone in a panic of delusion.

I dare you to threaten the Almighty Eternal, Omnipresent inclusive category with being broken in to isolated subdivisions, such as destroying the week and replacing it with 7 isolated days or destroying the day and replacing it with 24 isolated hours. I dare you to destroy The Holy Temple and then to replace it three days later with a bunch of unholy things such as walls and floors and ceilings and curtains.

What does the Holy obsess about?

One day, while the Holy was doing the normal stuff (like dividing the night from the day and the heaven from the earth and the light of the sun from the darkness of a shadow), something unusually interesting happened. The Holy formed in to an isolated human and worshiped a demon called “the incurable illness filling up an empty jar.”

The incurable illness was a diagnostic label issued by the very important high priest of temporal witchcraft, as in a licensed physician. When the physician cast a spell to curse the human resource with possession by an incurable demon, that was not the activity of the Holy. That was because the priest had previously been possessed by an unholy demon named arrogance, which something that is obviously outside of the influence of the Almighty, who is also the Creator of everything.

So, the unholy arrogance possessed the unholy witch who cast a spell to curse the human resource with demonic possession by a long list of incurable diagnostic labels. The demon of anemia sucked the iron out of the victim while another demon named scurvy sucked out the Vitamin C. Rickets sucked out the Vitamin D. Goiter sucked out the iodine. Hypothyroidism interfered with the functioning of the thyroid gland, which sucked out several other important vampires right from the neck of the holy human resource, who is either the victim or the hero in our story, but I am just not sure which yet.

Anyway, all of that was just the beginning of the tortures inflicted on the one damned to hell. Next, the diagnostic label of arthritis was applied to the empty jar, causing the jar to be filled with inflamed joints. Then, the label of demonic hypertension was stuck right under the other label, causing a sudden increase in the blood pressure of the empty jar. Finally, the words “incurable autism” were written under the words anemia by the demonic priest of modern paranoia, causing the autistic jar to have a sudden, dramatic reduction in cognitive functionality and social skills, plus increased irritability, neurological inflammation, and increased sensitivity to things like human touch.

What does the Almighty fear?

So, all of this was very frightening to the empty jar full of anemia and arthritis and so on. The jar was sincerely terrified (which is the best way to be terrified) by these labels for the various effects (like rising blood pressure and declining levels of iron in the blood).

Like any other believer in the religion of demon worship would do, the jar focused on those labels and worshiped those effects as demons that were possessing the jar. Naturally, the jar fought against the effects by taking some medications that the high priest said might peel the labels off of the jar or even blur out the letters of the word “autism.” Finally, after three surgeries to remove the anemia that was causing the reduced levels of iron, the jar began to get really worried.

So, the jar asked the Almighty for a miracle. “Please help me find a cure for anemia,” said the jar.

The Almighty suddenly appeared, crawling out of the chimney wearing a sexy red suit and sporting a big white beard. “Listen to me. I know what I am talking about here. Your problem is not the effect of anemia,” said the Almighty. “Anemia is just a label for an effect. Your problem is that you are either not eating enough iron, or, even more likely, that your body is having trouble processing the iron that you do eat.”

“Tell me more,” said the empty jar full of autism and anemia and arthritis. “You are clearly crazy and deluded and you are obviously not the real Almighty because there is no such thing, but I am still quite curious, you know, just in case you are far more intelligent than the average high priest of demon-worshiping witchcraft.”

“Well,” said the Almighty Santa Claus, “if you are a good jar and avoid bad behaviors that reduce your ability to process iron while you also do a lot of good behaviors that improve your ability to process iron, then I promise to give you a big reward when I am reborn in the near future, okay? Does that sound good so far?”

“Uh, yeah… sure,” said the jar. “Get to the point though, okay? I have some important TV shows to watch and this is really cutting in to my schedule of whining about my incurable chronic fatigue from exhausting myself by criticizing those three politicians who are the evil ones who think of government as having the right to use violence, which just really pisses me off, right? Anyway, what were you saying about things that help my digestive system to assimilate iron?”

“Ho ho ho,” Santa continued. “Slow down there. You sure are a disrespectful punk sometimes, but, because the Almighty is creating this entire dialogue, I have no choice but to dance according to the puppet strings pulled by the Almighty. So, here is my advice to you, if you are ready….”

After a long pause, Santa winked and then said, “What I would do if I was you is consult with someone who studies health- like who asks ‘how do animals maintain health, like how do all animals- not just humans- create a well-functioning system?’ Forget about the incurable demon of anemia for a moment. Focus on the healthy system and how it uses iron. Does it need electrons to use iron? Does it need zinc? Does it need iodine? If so, then be sure to find the ways that organisms have been getting those things for the last few billion years, like through diet or through their skin while swimming in the mineral-rich ocean waters.”

“Oh, and there’s more,” said the Almighty Santa. “Also, if you have anything blocking the use of iron, such as too much acidity from not connecting electromagnetically to the earth more often, then address that deficiency of electrons by getting access to whatever will provide you electrons and thus reduce the acidity. By the way, you do know that acidity is just a way of measuring the relative abundance or deficiency of electrons, right? I don’t want you to panic about the word acidity and worship it like one of those ignorant licensed physicians. Learn what the word acidity means if you are paranoid about your ignorance of what it means. Learn exactly what it measures, then notice what the measurements are and act accordingly.”

“In other words, you can stop giving so much attention to the ignorant language of desperately arrogant physicians who are operating in a delusional paranoia about the incurable demon of anemia. They often have no idea what they are doing and they are terrified that people will find that out. The more terrified they are, the more arrogant they are.”

“So, beware of taking their arrogance personally. They are just like a panicking dog suffering from rabies. By the way, rabies is a real physical presence, a real demon, an actual causal force. However, anemia is not. It is just a label for the absence of some normal functionality. It is just a name for an effect or a symptom. It has no physical power. For instance, if you shout the word ‘anemia’ at a bird, the bird does not worship the word and worry about their health. You can only worship the word in a delusion of imprecise idolatry because you understand language in general,. However, you have been very confused about language.”

“Let me make something very clear to you. You are a very special empty jar to me. I love you even more than I love a mere bird, which may not be true but it feels good for you, right, so anyway do not worry about anemic birds or rabid dogs or anything else. Relax because everything is going according to my design. When I cause you to relax now, that could even be better for your health than worshiping mainstream demons in a panic of delusional paranoia. Relax away from the idea that a demon named anemia ever had any power of you. It did not.”

“I, Santa Claus, am the single Almighty power which creates iron and anemia and rabies and demon-worshiping priests. All that I have created in your experience was for your training. I was just reminding you of your source- and you may still have much to learn. I am the cause of all things. You are only a branching of me. Your blood is my blood. Your iron is mine, too. Your body is my body. There is no part of you that is not me. There is nothing about you that is not my creation. Your life is my life. Your words are my words. I invented every word and every language, including any phrases or words that you ever make up in the future. That will be me making them up through you.”

What if the Almighty panics?

So, the jar was very relaxed to learn all of these ridiculous lessons. Nevertheless, the jar eventually panicked over the thought that there are temporal governments that enforce temporal laws. In a guilty shame of panicking paranoia, the jar said to no one in particular, “but what if I personally do not save humanity from the existence of temporal governments by tomorrow morning? Some of these governments not only do things that are inconsistent with their words, but use violence which scares me, and they should not do anything that I do not expect (because that is implicitly disrespectful of my exclusive divine authority). Why don’t those government leaders do what they should do, which is to stop everything, schedule an appointment to come and visit me personally, and then take as long as it takes to teach me to understand the one thing that I really need to desperately agonize about right now: how I can get in to heaven in the future and escape from an eternal hell of being punished with paranoia and panic and agonizing and confusion and arrogance?”

And, by saying that, the empty jar full of demonic labels with incurable words like anemia condemned itself to an eternity of torture. The foolish jar continued, saying “I will pretend forever to be frightened of the words of demon-worshiping high priests. I will also pretend to insist that I am not in the realm of the Holy now, but that I need to do something in particular in order for my ego to avoid going to hell when my body dies. I need some kind of a ritual for salvation. I need to obsess over it. I need to argue with people about it.”

That is when the empty jar almost forgot to add the most important thing ever: “I also need some kind of a specific program to follow so that I can become healthy in the future. I need to agonize over my health now in order to eventually enjoy my life. How am I ever going to relax if I do not first find a cure for my incurable paranoia? Also, what is the best method to stop panicking? Is there only one right way to produce agony by agonizing, or are all of the behavioral patterns of agonizing equally intelligent and spiritually advanced? Next, which language is the best one, as in God’s favorite? Which word is best? Which letter is best? Which form of perfectionism is best? Who knows the answers to these very important questions?!?!?”

“What is The Holy Law that is eternal and cannot be broken (as distinct from laws that are temporal and can be revised or revoked)? I have no idea! This is an absolute tragedy! This is a terrible disgrace! This is a crying shame! I insist hysterically that I am quite justified in my tantrum because I blame someone else very sincerely for my practice of the behavior of tantrum! Crucify the villain that I vilify! Torture the demon that I demonize! Destroy the opponent that I oppose!”

Suddenly, Santa Claus reached over to the empty jar full of incurable demons and picked it up, shook it really hard so that all of the labels inside of it were mixed up very well so as to be fair, and then pulled out one word in the raffle drawing to find out what diagnostic label was the very worst or very best or something like that. Suddenly, everyone was very happy then because the contest was finally over and there was a clear winner.

The winning slip of paper said the following, yes, speaking out loud right there in front of everyone: “Please listen closely because your very life depends on it. You have a deathly serious medical problem which is genetic and has been possessing your family for many generations, causing you to question the very existence of reverse psychological warfare. Yes, you have a case of incurable hypochondria. Get over it.”


labeled jar

“Higher than the Almighty?”

November 25, 2013
Higher than the Almighty?
Español: Beso de Judas.

Español: Beso de Judas. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Santa lied and said your parents are imposters
and it was all just to govern your behaviors
Satan lied about eternal hellish tortures
and it was all just to govern your behaviors
Judas lied or maybe it was the translators
and it was all just to govern your behaviors
Jesus died so a Jew could be your Savior
and it was all just to govern your behaviors
Before Jesus, was there salvation?
Well, he quoted dead prophets who said “the LORD is my salvation.”
Before Christians, was there Christianity
cause so much of it is Hebrew or Egyptian mythology?
Some Protestants protest Roman Christianity
in 7 days, their Almighty made humanity
then on the 8th day, their Almighty was overthrown.
Was it by a higher power- is that what we’ve been told?
But please please please
tell me that it isn’t so
I love my paranoid delusions
so don’t ask me to let them go
Maybe it’s illogical for an all-powerful Almighty
to be overthrown or even nearly so
But the holy shepherd works in mysterious ways
according to the sheep who are loyal to the blind fold
The sheep fold

The sheep fold

Santa lied and said your parents are imposters
and it was all just to govern your behaviors
Satan lied about eternal hellish tortures
and it was all just to govern your behaviors
Judas lied or maybe it was the translators
and it was all just to govern your behaviors
Jesus died so a Jew could be your Savior
and it was all just to govern your behaviors
Patriotic voters, if I’m elected,
I promise to make some new secret weapons
by gathering all of the leading scientists
who are most devoted to world peace
Soon, we alone will have all of the power
we’ll make the people in all of the rest of the world bow
or else we will blow them up in to lots of little peices
Now, some people say it is a holy crusade
but I think that is way too extreme
I’m just a loyal follower of Noah
bringing order to the chaotic masses.
(So our God doesn’t kill humanity,
we’ll put them on their knees.)
Santa lied and said your parents are imposters
and it was all just to govern your behaviors
Satan lied about eternal hellish tortures
and it was all just to govern your behaviors
Judas lied or maybe it was the translators
and it was all just to govern your behaviors
Jesus died so a Jew could be your Savior
and it was all just to govern your behaviors

Of all the formations made by God, does God fear the devil most?

March 26, 2013
God, the Father watches us all everywhere.

God, the Father watches us all everywhere. (Photo credit: angelofsweetbitter2009)

In regard to the previous post [“rules written in the water”], a correspondent wrote:
“Your poem was picturesque!  I had to go back and read it a couple more times.  It also occurs to me as very personal.  Which begs the following question from me…. What inspired you write this poem JR?/ Assuming you did write it?”
Yes, I wrote the lyrics and everything else in the song. The first verse is about how most people operate in relationships, including how I have operated. The second verse is about how most people relate to politics (and religion), and you can look on Facebook for evidence of what I mean.
Overall, most people worship words, including  the word “devil”, which means a spirit or character of divisiveness, antagonism, isolation, alienation, blame, resentment, animosity, and misery. A related idea is “one who has fallen… from grace.” The English word “devil” derives from dia-bolo(s), similar to diablo in Spanish. The idea or pattern referenced by that word is much older than Christianity or the Hebrew tradition and is found basically worldwide, just like pattern of “red” (redness) is older than the actual word “red.”
So, this song is for people who have been worshiping in the manner of the devil as well as worshiping the devil and worshiping the word “devil,” which is a similar idolatry to worshiping the word “god” or any other word in any other language. By the way, that covers almost everyone….

English: “FLORIDA INDIANS WORSHIPING A COLUMN. From an engraving after Jacques Le Moyne ae Morgues, published by Theodore de Bry (Brevis Narratio, Frankfort, 1591). The column was set up by the French in 1562 as a symbol of royal authority in Florida. The indians considered it a god.” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It is easy to identify anyone who worships the devil. They fear the devil.
They do that instead of being attentive to god, which is a normal stage of development. Being attentive to god results in inner peace rather than frustration, distress, antagonism, and hatred and so on, which are the results or “fruit” of worshiping the devil.
The one who is spiritually mature has empathy for the worshipers of the devil and their agonizing. The ability to “save” others from their worship of the devil is of course a total mystery to other worshipers of the devil (to other deniers of the Almighty power of god, who do not appreciate the logic of the “speculation” that for one who is Almighty, it could only be easy to save devil worshipers from their religious rituals of agonizing and misery and hell-making- what could be “hard” for the Almighty, or what contrary power would resist or oppose the Almighty, Eternal, Omnipresent?).
So, some have the humility and courage and faith to “be saved.” However, Many will continue to worship their favorite hell even when exposed to the possibility of salvation, which is a possibility that is so terrifying to devil worshipers that they often insist that they are already saved, and yet it is obvious that they operate in terror and panic and misery and agonizing.
By the way, it is also idolatry to worship words like “saved” and “devil worshipers.” Words are just tools- all of them.
The one with the ability to save, who could be called God or Christ or Messiah or Savior or other words in other languages, does not worship any word. God does not need to worship words. God creates all things including all words.
God recognizes God everywhere (in all of the forms of God or formations of God). God recognizes that the worshiping of hell is part of the will of God as well as the worshiping of the devil (or of the idea of a terrifying enemy, like imperialism or fascism or communism or capitalism or poverty or gun control or homosexuality or racism or whatever), which is all part of the will of god. There is nothing that happens that god is intimidated by or afraid of.
English: This image showing Jesus Christ as a ...

English: This image showing Jesus Christ as a pig, and two foreigners worshiping him. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

God allows for all of those things (racism, gun control, abortion, homosexuality) because God is all-allowing. If God did not allow something to happen, it simply would not.
If a particular institutional hierarchy discourages people from a certain behavior, such as playing with matches or flying an airplane without proper training, that is a practical instruction. It is not immoral to breastfeed in public, but it may be so disruptive to the functioning of a community that it is prohibited. God does not get in to moral debates about anything- not homosexuality or abortion or gun control or breast-feeding in public. God simply causes for practical instructions (and even punishments and rewards) to be issued. Some behaviors are criminalized, at least for those without a government license to perform them. (Of course, God also creates moral debates among the argumentative, but that arguing about morality is just an entirely distinct issue from the practicality of bureaucratic guidelines and instructions and procedural standards- all of which eventually get revised or maybe even discarded.)
Inside of Saint Ananias taken in 2006

Inside of Saint Ananias taken in 2006 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So, God is the creator of all. All developments are the will of the Almighty, who has no competitor or rival or challenger or opponent. In contrast, the devil sees god and all of god’s creation as an insult, a threat, a problem, something to judge against, comparing to worshiped ideals and then to condemn  (as “the problem which causes my life to be hell”) and of course to struggle to fix, which is a source of misery and also a hope for future personal glory, which is futile and in vain and exhausting, kind of like resentment.
Next, God recognizes the devil worshipers as the children of god operating at a particular stage of development or maturity. God recognizes their tantrums and their layers of presumptuous misperceptions, similar to a teacher listening to young students make errors as they learn or listening to people in the 29th century insist that Santa Claus was the primary deity of the ancient Christians back in the 21st century and isn’t it amazing that they were so primitive and idiotic to believe in and worship such a childish idea? How could they not know that it was just a story? How could they worship such an obviously mythological contrivance? Doesn’t it remind us of how much better our religious practice is than theirs… whenever we consider how dumb they were to worship childish myths which are so much less glorious than our sacred ritual phrases, like “love one another” and “only god is holy” and “choose the right.” 😉
Anyway, God recognizes all of that as arrogance and vanity and contempt and terror (self-doubt). God knows that such a stage of development (or stage of worship) has a totally valid function… temporarily. However, there is a huge difference between purgatory and heaven, which god also knows directly (clearly) and without any argumentativeness or divisiveness or terror or misery.
English: Rama and Sita, worshiping a lingam

English: Rama and Sita, worshiping a lingam (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

God does not fear hell. God recognizes hell as one of many creations by God.
God does not fear the devil or worship the devil with hatred. God recognizes the devil as one of the many creations of God, formations of God, forms of God.
Did God create “fearing hell?” Yes. Did God create “fearing the devil?” Yes. Did God create “worshiping the devil with hatred?” Yes.
So, what exactly does God fear the most? The thing that God fears the most is words because words allow for people to joke around and misinterpret and mistranslate and be embarrassed at their naivete (being humbled). God is totally terrified of the possibility of people thinking that God is naive. God needs their approval and worship or else God will stop being the Almighty and become some wuss who is always agonizing over how to be perceived as good and worthy by others. Or wait- was that the devil?
Anyway, I really do not know much about these kinds of things because I have never been officially recognized in a public ceremony as having the ability to tell the difference between the actual color red and the actual word “red.” I hope that you can make sense of some of this crazy salad of totally random poetic speculation. Unfortunately, because I have no expertise in the area of spiritual development, I am very sorry to tell you that I have no authority or experience with reverse psychology, which I do not believe in anyway. However, I do have a copy of some ancient scriptures of some ancient language that I personally cannot read at all, but I hear that it is very good for saving your soul as well as an excellent source of fuel for a wood stove. Let me know if you would like me to give you an entirely free copy.
A man dressed up as Santa Claus fundraising fo...

A man dressed up as Santa Claus fundraising for Volunteers of America on the sidewalk of street in Chicago, Illinois, in 1902. He is wearing a mask with a beard attached. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Finally, an assembly of people will be gathering this weekend to sing songs about how this book is the best book that humanity will ever produce because other books are just not as bookish as it. This book is a true book, a real book, a booky book. Unlike all other books, this book is a written record or transcript of conversations passed down for generations by oral tradition. This is the only book of it’s kind- and indeed my personal copy is the only approved version with a handwritten note and signature from God himself inside the front cover. You really should worship it, too, unless you are not interested in being part of a community of people who worship one book as the best book of all books.
Also, this book lists which color is the best color, which letter is the best letter, which number is the best number, and which human language is the most linguistic. It is for people who are the best people, the elect, the elite, and of course the most humble. Yeah, no, I get it, of course not, that’s  not at all what I meant, so you probably would not be at all interested, right, I mean, exactly, I’m sorry, hey, just forget it, okay, thanks, whatever, great, nice chatting, um, how do we, oh man, I can’t expect any, sure, we should totally do that instead, why would I mind, wow, just a minute though, can you hold, damn, I really hate to do this but I have to catch this other call real quick…. <click>
Loki vs Al

Loki vs Al (Photo credit: greyloch)

Part 4: Creating a path from hell to heaven

March 4, 2013

1 noticing the activity of language

2 noticing that language is not perception

3 the linguistic ritual of creating a victim (and a savior)

4 creating a path from hell to heaven

Noticing the linguistic creation of a path from hell to heaven

Gustave Doré, Depiction of Satan, the antagoni...

Gustave Doré, Depiction of Satan, the antagonist of John Milton’s Paradise Lost c. 1866 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So, hell is a linguistic symbol to contrast with heaven. Hell is the experience of distress or disturbance or mental illness or agonizing (the activity of agonizing over what allegedly “should not be,” like a particular way of relating to language and relating to life). Heaven is the experience of simply noticing all of the various patterns of reality without obsessive craving or repulsion- with clarity, grace, and inner peace. (Of course, in heaven, one can also notice the patterns of relating called craving, rejecting, and obsessing!)

English: A stereotypical caricature of a villa...

English: A stereotypical caricature of a villain (i.e. generic melodrama villain stock character, with handlebar moustache and black top-hat – typical of upper class men in some cultures). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Further, Satan is a linguistic symbol to contrast with the Almighty, which logically cannot be opposed or defeated or intimidated or scared. The Almighty is the source of all patterns of activity, all characters and identities, and all symbolic codes.

God is no more scared of Satan than God would be scared of the letters A or Z. God notices all patterns from the first to the last, from the beginning to the end. God notices the activity of language- beginning, ending, stopping, and perhaps beginning again.

Santa is just a character created through language by God. Satan is just a character created through language by God. Any victim (any labeling of victimization as in vilifying of a particular activity in the past) is also “incidental,” not fundamental. Is that clear?

The Satan Pit

The Satan Pit (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Pick a time in the past. Pick a memory of an event. Perhaps someone said to you that “you should not have drank so much water” or “you should have drank more water.” We could label that the activity of condemnation or vilification.

Maybe there is someone blamed- like the labeling of you as being at fault because you drank the wrong amount of water instead of doing whatever you allegedly should have done. That is a valid construction in language, right?

Maybe you should have drank more water or less water. “Should” automatically creates the possibility of vilification or condemnation (“should not”). Notice what vilifying and condemning are. They are activities in language. They are methods of directing attention and perception, right?

Outside Satan

Outside Satan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

God forgives all things. Why? God forgives all things because God created language and it was only through language that God created the condemning or vilifying of particular patterns, particular qualities, and particular characteristics or characters or identities.

How does God forgive? By ceasing the activity in language of condemning and vilifying, God can easily forgive anything.

Consider the ancient teaching that in order to be forgiven, one must forgive (as in cease condemning). Notice condemning. Notice the reality of what condemning is as a way of relating in language.

Many victims condemn what terrifies them. A villain condemns in order to terrify (to forbid, to intimidate, to make a threat).

God is the source of the all heroes, villains, and victims. Every victim is a form of God, and so is every villain and savior. What other source could there be besides the Almighty?

Satan Is Real

Satan Is Real (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So, an ancient teaching directs attention toward the activity of the condemning of a particular behavior as villainous (vile, evil) and further we can notice the activity of vilifying a specific person as inherently a villain. Notice also that either the behavior or the person can be emphasized, but not both at once.

We can forgive the person (so as to stop vilifying them) without condoning any particular past sequence of events. We can stop relating to that particular past as “what should not have happened” (a shameful incident), and stop shaming someone for victimizing us.

Shaming them maintains the identity of victim. If you seek heaven, you must cease from shaming others. Forgive them. Stop perpetuating your shame. Stop victimizing yourself through vilifying them.

Or, continue to vilify them and continue to experience the identity of ashamed victim. You could continue your linguistic ritual of chanting this mantra: “I am not a villain or a savior, but a victim.” Or, you could notice that all of that is just a pattern of activity of language.

Two people can even argue over who is the most vile, as they partner together in a ritual of mutual condemnation and vilification. They can have a competition for who is the bigger victim (by most sincerely accusing the other of being the bigger villain).

Vilification of another is victimizing them, but also relating to one’s self as a victim. “They unjustly accused me!” Yes, they made you their victim by vilifying you (“unjustly!”), just like you vilified them (“unjustly!”), resulting in their complaints that you were victimizing them (“unjustly!”). That ritual requires at least two sincere (naive) participants.

So, how can one continue that ritual alone? Easy! Just keep vilifying someone else and relating to your past as if it is victimizing you now.


Shame (Photo credit: Joe Gatling)

Note that the ritual of practicing the identity of a victim is an entirely valid ritual to practice. It has it’s function and value. God created it for a reason.

Once the reason is clear and makes sense to you, then the ritual is no longer an obsession to practice constantly, but just an option. Use it when it is relevant. When it is not relevant, do not use it. When something else is relevant, do something else.

However, if it is relevant to practice being a victim, then certainly keep practicing it as long as that is the top priority. Get very skilled at being a victim. Become an expert victim.

Condemn. Vilify. Withdraw. Notice. Forgive.

Next, go to hell (obsess over what should not be, how I do not deserve this stuff that should not be happened, how someone else is to blame for my experience of having something else besides what should be happening instead). Then, once you have practiced hell so much that you are an expert at being a victim in hell, then go to heaven.

Once you know how to create hell and then you suddenly stop creating hell and instead create heaven, then hell is no longer a problem. It is just an option.

Hell is just a ritual in language. When it is relevant, practice that ritual. When it is not relevant, do not practice that ritual. When something else is relevant, do something else.

Hell or Heaven?

Hell or Heaven? (Photo credit: andywon)

The Almighty One & The Many

September 30, 2012
The word "shlama" (peace) in Aramaic...

The word “shlama” (peace) in Aramaic round (Syriac) and square (Hebrew) script (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If there is a label in language that includes all power, such as “The Almighty,” then that label refers to something that would have no competitor, for, logically, there is no power beyond “the Almighty.” You might think of a tree that has many branches. Which branch competes against the tree? None of them!

All of the branches extend from the rest of the tree as a function of the tree. The tree includes every branch.There is no method needed for connecting branches to the tree for the branch is already within the tree and the tree is already within the branch. There is just the realizing of the overlapping linguistic categories of “that one branch” and “that one tree,” like the fact that “the 20th century” already includes “the 1960s.”

pine tree

Lord Almighty

Lord Almighty (Photo credit: Animation Maniac)

So, for many thousands of years, in Sanskrit and Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek and Arabic and English, some people have talked about a linguistic unit that includes all power, all time, all locations, all formations, all of “reality.” If “God” is a label for that which creates all else, then is there any thing has not been created by God? Is there a species that is not created by the Almighty (by the Universe, by Nature)? Which species is outside of reality? Which human language is outside of reality- not a language created by the Almighty God? Which word is outside of reality, not a word of the Almighty God? Which letter is not a letter created by the Almighty? Which two-dimensional shape is not a two-dimensional shape created by the Almighty?

Inscripcciones en Brahmi en el pilar de Sarnath

Inscripcciones en Brahmi en el pilar de Sarnath (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Allah in stone in Rohtas Fort, Distri...

English: Allah in stone in Rohtas Fort, District Jhelum, Punjab, Pakistan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The words God and Allah and Brahman and All-inclusive Reality are all words. All words come a single source. We could label that source “language” or many other labels. The label used may be trivial. The language used may be trivial.

Those who are clear about this reference I am making have what I call faith. They have clarity. They do not agonize our idealisms and idolatries.

When I say that “there is no God but God,” I am not stating a belief. I am declaring a model in language from faith. I am not seeking your agreement. I am simply commanding you to be attentive to the logic of the sequence of words. This “commandment” or “doctrine” has been called “the most important doctrine.”

When I say that there is only one Reality, who has many names, including God and Allah and Adam and Alaska (and all other words), again, that is not a blind presumption or a superstitious idolatry. I am just presenting a model in language. That model happens to be logical, in contrast to most of the models may be familiar to you so far.

Letters used to write the old spelling of the ...

Letters used to write the old spelling of the word “David” (דוד instead of דויד) in old Hebrew script and later Aramaic-influenced script (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So, perhaps in the past you have been exposed to some metaphors, some of them translated once or even multiple times (like from the original language in to Greek and then from Greek in to English). When humans speak of the translated metaphors as “the truth,” that is a presumptuous, superstitious belief. Metaphors are just teaching tools.

When I say that the linguistic distinction of God is like a mustard seed from which springs many branches, that is just a metaphor. All of the branches of the mustard tree arise from the seed, so we can say that the seed already abides in the branches and the branches eternally abide in the seed.

Flag of the Kingdom of Bergna, part of The Alm...

Flag of the Kingdom of Bergna, part of The Almighty Empire of Credendo Vides (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When I say that the linguistic distinction of “Almighty Reality” is like a mansion which has many rooms, that is also just a metaphor. Look at all the parables about the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God. They all fit with my statements of faith- though some translations fit better than others, perhaps because of the extent of the fidelity (faithfulness) of the translation.

Of course, historically, when a clear, direct statement of faith is made, that can be quite shocking to worshipers of words and idolatry. That can be confronting. There may be rejection of the simple clarity, or even ridiculing and persecution. There may be antagonistic labelings of nihilism or victimization or atheism or whatever. You could even call my language “atheistic theism” if that comforts any distress you may feel about it (any shame).

Description unavailable

Description unavailable (Photo credit: (¯`·.¸¸.¤*¨¨*¤.๑۩۩۩๑Zeyneeep!)