Posts Tagged ‘Articles of Confederation’

the Knowledge of Good and Eve: a parable about Ron Paul, myths, and Santa

April 23, 2012
Santa Claus

Santa Claus (Photo credit: Christopher S. Penn)

Imagine a six year-old kid talking about Santa Claus, asking about some details that do not totally make sense to the child. An older sibling says, “do not ask mom anything about Santa. She would get angry and spank you. Just be quiet about Santa. If mom brings it up to you, just tell her what gifts you want and do not even mention the word Santa. I will tell you why later.”

What is the dynamic created by the older sibling? Mom is presented as a dangerous tyrannical authority and the sibling is the experienced ally with a crucial secret knowledge or insight about how to best deal with mom. Of course, higher up the social hierarchy is Santa, the distant, remote, mysterious benefactor.

In other terms, mom is the evil villain or devil and the sibling is the savior and protector while Santa is the God-like Power, like a superhero who can fly and has magic powers and is probably hundreds of years old. Except Santa is not just a cartoon like the comic book heroes. Santa is real. There is evidence. I opened the presents myself and the tag clearly said From Santa. Santa even knows my name!

Ron Paul at the 2007 National Right to Life Co...

Ron Paul at the 2007 National Right to Life Convention, held at Crown Center Hyatt Regency in Kansas City, MO; June 15, 2007, (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So, fast forward a few decades. Ron Paul is talking about how the Federal Reserve is a Vatican conspiracy and all that we need to do for him to save us from them is to wait a few months and cast a vote. Plus, until then, he recommends that we invest everything in silver.

Ron says that the Federal Reserve is the great evil tyranny that has the power to inflate the currency, which according to  Ron, would be very bad. Why would that be so bad? Ron never actually mentions that. Apparently the idea is that the Fed should not have the power that Ron says they have, and therefore he must save us from the Fed doing the thing that they obviously should not do because they are inherently evil so we should just buy more silver because that is the patriotic and heroic thing to do, which Ron Paul has been consistently saying since 1980, which proves that we can trust his credibility and sincerity.

Alex Jones, who is also our heroic savior ally -which we know because he owns  silver – says that the distant remote superpower is the holy ink on the sacred document of the Articles of Confederation, which is the most powerful document in the world except for that one lottery ticket but that is anther story. Anyway, Alex says that Noam Chomsky agrees with Ron Paul that the real problem today is that The Fed says that the Articles of Confederation are actually not the authentic words of Santa and need to be retranslated by the Supreme Council of Justice, which wouldn’t be so bad except that Ron Paul is not a member of the Council and therefore the Council is evil. DarthVader says the Council is not evil, which further proves that DarthVader is either evil or naive or most likely both.

The Federal Reserve: The Biggest Scam In History

The Federal Reserve: The Biggest Scam In History (Photo credit: CityGypsy11)

Now imagine that the Articles of Confederation are just a series of three words. They have no more actual tangible power than the sounds of the word Santa. They are not even shapes on your screen or ink on paper. They are just some sounds that someone spoke a few hundred years ago around the time that Santa was your age.

Who is going to protect those sounds? Who is going to threaten those sounds? Who is going to record them as an audio file to upload to youtube? Who is going to keep them sacred and give them proper respect?

We need a hero. We need a ssvior. Inflation would reduce the value of the massive national debt, which must be avoided at all costs. Therefore, you must obey your older sibling and never mention Santa to mom again.


Sibling! (Photo credit: Gus Dahlberg)

“Obama: is he a hero or a commie traitor?”

March 17, 2012
Official photographic portrait of US President...

Image via Wikipedia

Lots of folks that I know are fascinated with the idea that Obama is a communist traitor. Hey, if you want to hate someone, he’s a reasonable candidate, right?

(Note, this blog is not for Obama fans. This is a challenge to Obama’s critics, like Tea Party fanatics.)

“Isn’t Obama (and Brzyznewski- or however you spell that) making unconstitutional treaties?” No, there is no such thing as an unconstitutional treaty. Treaties are authorized by the constitution yet may not be subject to the restrictions of it, except in regard to how to create one. OOPS!

Constitutions cannot be unconstitutional. Neither can treaties.

The US Constitution clearly states that judges and other officials operating under the authority of the U.S. are bound by U.S. treaties: “This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.” (See and )

By the way, keep in mind that revolutions overturn Constitutions and Articles of Confederation and treaties and so on. You folks do know that, right? Ink on paper does not restrict anything or protect anything. It takes systems of organized coercion to protect or exploit or extort. Everyone knows that!

Some people worship the idea of natural rights and property rights. I’ve done it. You may still. Fine, yet… if you have the courage to do so, consider the following:

Property is just a word. Right is just a word, too- with 5 letters in fact.

Look, if natural rights were really natural, then birds and bees would have them, too, right? Property is a social construct. In other words, it is a figment of language, a word, a “colorable” fictitious entity composed of a specific sequence of alphanumeric code: P R O P E R T Y.

If you do not believe me, just try to explain property rights to the squirrels who ignore your clearly posted UCC-compliant notice on your bird feeder. “I mean, hey, it is not called a squirrel feeder, right? It’s clearly a bird feeder! Those seeds are property of the birds! I said so, alright?”

Bushtits mass on a birdfeeder in Salem, Oregon.
Image via Wikipedia

Yet, squirrels come and take the seeds… like Europeans “liberating” Native Americans from their land or interning Japanese Americans for the “crime” of being Japanese in America in 1942. Then, just when everything is already not going according to the holy words of the holy constitution that we may agree to worship, a strong wind blows and ruins everything.

God is stealing your birdseed. He is using the wind to steal your birdseed and that is evil, corrupt, and, by the way, unconstitutional.

Let’s have a rally. Let’s have a protest. Let’s paint some words on some signs and wait for God to get with the program. Let’s do lots of things that are not actually securing the seeds in the feeder so that any passing wind does not spread them across the yard.

Or, if you dare, read this:

a post-revolutionary paradigm

As for whether Obama is a hero or a traitor, here are a few words on that subject:

“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, … The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply.”

by: Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836) London financier, one of the founders of the international Rothschild banking dynasty


Published: 2009/11/19



English: Detail of Preamble to Constitution of...

Image via Wikipedia

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the root of all money: evil

January 14, 2012
Reality quiz:

Prince Nikola III Zrinski thaler minted in Gvozdansko castle, Croatia, in the early 16th century (until 1534)

Money can be very useful. Money allows for reliable access to things of value.
Paper money only has value when there is an organization enforcing it’s value. If the organization ceases to function to enforce the value of the paper money, the paper money has no value, like with the Confederate Dollar when the Confederacy collapsed or a casino’s tokens when the casino stops operating as a business.
The enforcing of the value of money involves force, like arrests, evictions, repossessions, foreclosures, levies, garnishments, and so on. When there is a revolution, like in Cuba, or when the US invaded Iraq or Vietnam or Korea etc, then that new pattern of force can change the possession of property (through a new redistribution of wealth as well as destruction and death) and will influence the enforcement of the prior currency systems of organized violence, similar to when the Union army defeated the US Confederate army and the prior currency system of the Confederacy ceased to operate.
In summary so far, currency systems are systems of organized violence. Even when dictators (called kings) instituted systems of claiming various amounts of wealth from various other people, the establishment of a particular new currency as the “lawful money” or “coin of the realm” was based on the actual operation of organized violence upon which the claims of tax liability were enforced.
No one already wanted to give up a bunch of livestock or produce for a little shiny coin or a casino token accepted at any of the dictator’s court outlets. The masses gave up those useful things for currency because of the threat of violence if they did not pay taxes or other tribute and the only way to pay those taxes was to buy the coins or tokens or currency of the dictator from the dictator’s outlets and at the exchange rates set by the dictator.
Obviously, a competing dictator or operation of a currency system of organized violence could influence or even overthrow a particular currency system, as when the US Confederacy “seceded.” Actually, “seceded” may be the terminology used by the winner of that dispute. Maybe the Confederacy was attempting to continue to operate under the Articles of Confederation from 1777 while the Union was claiming authority under the later Constitution of 1789. Maybe “secede” was a term that the Union used to label their colonial target’s “disloyalty,” like if the UN invaded China on the basis that China was seceding from the UN without getting proper permission from the UN. Or, consider if the UN invaded the US based (allegedly) on the US threatening to secede or withdraw from the UN.
So, why is it that the various currency enforcement systems of organized violence have used various substances as the selected material for minting a “coin of the realm?” Silver and gold have long been used as currencies. These substances were relatively durable (at least if alloyed with other metals) and were also rare. That is, it was not easy for just anyone to find a lot of gold, at least not in the places where gold was used as a currency. When large new sources of gold and silver from the American continent upset exchange rates in Europe, such as the California gold rush around 1849, new currency systems that did not use those substances were naturally explored, developed, and established.
The value to the operators of the system of organized violence was that access to the gold mines could be monopolized. The military dictators could assemble an army and take over all of the local mines in the area, then strictly limit the supply of minted “coin of the realm.” They would strictly limit the supply because they were the only ones with the technology and organization to monopolize access to the mines, to melt the metals and mint the coins, and of course to force the populace to exchange perfectly good livestock and produce for little casino tokens or coins of the realm or lawful money.
Next, unlike casinos, which may operate against other nearby casinos, governments violently discourage competition. Governments create criminal codes that criminalize unlicensed racketeering (AKA unlicensed taxation as in extortion) as well as unlicensed creation of money (counterfeiting). These criminal codes are enforced by organized violence. Similarly, if someone tried to “break in” or trespass on the government’s mines and steal some unminted metal, that would be punished by organized violence, such as prompt execution.
Once the consistent nature of all currency systems and governments is clear, there is the additional subject of propaganda. Just as governments can declare that a neighboring geographical region is attempting to secede and must be annexed to insure for the freedom of the populace there, like if the UN announced that it is invading or occupying or “liberating” the US in it’s entirety (or even just Texas, like the US previously “liberated” Texas from Mexico), governments can also declare unlicensed operations of organized violence to be criminal, corrupt, evil, immoral, and so on.
One of the most universal taboos of propaganda would be propaganda itself. While organized violence is terrible (according to propaganda), nothing is quite so vile as propaganda. Anti-propaganda propaganda is essential for most any other propaganda to be accepted. If the masses go around creating and publicizing competing systems of propaganda, that can be very unfavorable for the economic interests or national security of a particular operation of organized violence.
By the way, here is apparently a real gold coin, but counterfeit in that it was (to the best of my knowledge) not issued by the Confederate States of America (and perhaps by the Union):
Once propaganda is monopolized, then various branches of propaganda can announce that they are unrelated. For instance, the churches and the media outlets can all issue statements declaring the separation of church and media. Further, the government and the public school system can issue statements that they are entirely isolated operations.
Actually, propaganda may not even really focus on certain issues. Propaganda has to be believable, like the saying “a war to end all wars” or “peace-keeping” missiles.
However, if the masses can be distracted and confused in regard to enough issues of hysterical drama and controversy, then it may not be required to indoctrinate the masses specifically to be morally repulsed (ashamed/terrified) by any mention of the possibility of the existence of propaganda. The masses may be adequately trained to be reactively outraged about new revelations (press releases?) concerning how a particular currency system has been discovered to be a racketeering fraud from the start or how a particular government has been accused of being an operation of organized violence from the start or how a particular politician is accused of being corrupt or manipulative or just a little bit too pre-occupied with PR and public perception. The masses, in order to be properly influenced or governed in terms of their perceptions and behaviors, can be propagandized about morality, criminality, spirituality, and so on.
Finally, consider the global diamond cartel DeBeers. They may have used deceit and blackmail and violence and so on to establish and maintain control of the supply of diamonds worldwide. They hired Edward Bernays (a famous propagandist) to help them place their products in movies, even having movies written around the entire subject of an emotionally-moving scene in which the handsome leading man presents a huge diamond to the female lead actress as he asks her to marry him (the actor). After dozens and dozens of movies repeating a female lead actress being receptive after being offered some large piece of diamond jewelry, then Bernays arranged to have the actresses (and eventually the British royalty) to wear elaborate diamond jewelry at press events where the media photographers would be photographing them in their diamonds.
Of course, it is all a scam (as in an advertising campaign or propaganda campaign). Diamonds were not widely available until recent centuries. There is no inherent connection between romance or getting married or sexual receptivity. The connection was indoctrinated on to the masses of movie-goers and then swiftly accepted by the culture overall.
Similarly, if DeBeers had the military capacity to dictate to the various governments of the world that those governments owed DeBeers taxes of 75 million carats of diamonds per year, that would be a lot like how kings dictated systems of currency on to their target populations. DeBeers could then dictate the exchange rate between “officially acceptable” units of diamonds relative to ounces of gold, barrels of oil, or bushels of corn.
Again, that pattern precisely parallels the origin of all currency systems of organized violence.  Dictators say if the standard of value is gold or diamonds or whatever thing for which they control the supply, such as crude oil. If the dictators can maintain a system of organized violence to enforce the exchange rate that they set, then that exchange rate persists.

Examples of German and Austrian Thalers compared to a U.S. quarter (bottom center)

In closing, let’s review the origin of the word “Dollar.” It refers to a particular amount of silver.

“The Thaler (or Taler or Talir) was a silver coin used throughout Europe for almost four hundred years. Its name lives on in various currencies as the dollar or tolar. Etymologically, “Thaler” is an abbreviation of “Joachimsthaler”, a coin type from the city of Joachimsthal(Jáchymov) in Bohemia, where some of the first such coins were minted in 1518. (Thal is German for “valley”. A “thaler” is a person or a thing “from the valley”. In 1902, the official spelling was changed from Thal to Tal.)”
Below is the image of the currency of an organization that previously operated a sovereign currency system of organized violence which no longer functions independently. That organization is called the United States of America, which was functionally superseded by the Federal Reserve in 1933:

This is a silver certificate which was, at least in the 1910s, redeemable for a Silver Dollar (coin) from the United States of America and it's outlets.

The above image is from an article I wrote in 2005 in which I detailed the future of the US economy as rising fuel prices would continue to rise and eventually would “pinch” (or pop) the economy, thus slowing credit trends (borrowing and lending), decreasing real estate prices and stock prices, and other producing predictable results as indicated therein (which have been manifesting in precise accord with what I indicated). See: