Posts Tagged ‘economic forecasting’

credit markets and… communism?

October 30, 2011
“How important will my credit score be to me in 2 years or 20 years?”
One of the things that I have noticed in speaking with people over the years about their finances is that many people are very interested in their credit score and accessing more credit in the future. People with high credit scores typically want to keep it high and people with lower credit scores typically want to maintain or improve their credit scores.
That is quite a predictable ideal of course. Even people who rarely or never use credit may still find re-assurance in the idea that they easily could get credit if they wanted, like in the event of an emergency.
The trend of the last several decades has been an easing of the standards required to access credit. Forty years ago, the standards to qualify for a mortgage were much higher than in recent years, especially during extremes of the sub-prime boom. Typical down payment levels went from ten or twenty percent down to one or two percent.
“Easy credit” has been the trend, but that can change. By early 2003, I forecast a shift in that trend from easier and easier credit to more and more conservatism by lenders. By late 2006, I specifically warned of a seqence of emerging developments (a global credit crisis) that would topple many financial institutions, and then those developments came to public recognition by 2008.
As financial institutions continue to struggle, they may be less eager to lend in general (if able to lend at all). Institutions may be especially less eager to lend to certain debtors perceived as unreliable, including struggling governments like Greece, struggling corporations like AIG and Enron and Merrill Lynch, and of course struggling consumer debtors.
A history of staying current with prior debts may not be enough to impress prospective lenders in the near future. They may require twenty percent down or even more before they will even review a credit application. In other words, global credit markets, after decades of easing, may return toward the prior norms of prior centuries.
Note that the current global financial network is an unprecedented development. The sub-prime mania of “no qualifying” loans is a historical anomoly of easy credit.
In a credit-based financial system, credit scores may rise in importance. However, if a credit-based system falters, large cash down payments may be much more important than prior payment history in regard to interesting a seller in an installment plan.
Note that I did just say “interesting a seller.” Individual sellers may be the ones issuing mortgages- not lenders, but the current owners of real estate.
Institutional lending to consumers may shrink or collapse. While mortgage companies currently allow many people to pay installments, the mortgage industry also can shrink or collapse. Sellers like to get paid cash by mortgage companies and be done with the transaction, often because they owe mortgages on the property as well and need the cash to pay off that mortgage to be able to sell a property.
My forecast remains (since early 2003) that the mortgage industry is in crisis and that many lenders will collapse in to the bankruptcy court systems (of the US and elsewhere), which will take over their finances. Governments (specifically the bankruptcy court system) will take over not only the accounting of a collapsing mortgage industry, but all of their assets (such as bank-owned properties).
Another name for this arrangement might be communism. The court system will directly manage huge portions of real estate (this is predictable in the US and elsewhere such as the EU and Japan). The court system (through the bankruptcy court trustees) will directly manage the payment processing and accounting for all of that real estate. The court system will even become a primary seller of real estate (at foreclosure auctions, unpaid property tax lien auctions, and so on).
I do not know how much real estate the US government currently owns, but it is quite a lot. Since I forecast the economic downturn, I also forecast the decline in government tax revenues, the budget crisis of governments, businesses, and households, as well as the predictable reactions of those parties in crisis. I forecast that among the last of the alternatives discussed for addressing the issues of the US government’s budget and debt (as for most any other government) would be the selling of assets, such as the vast amount of real estate owned by the federal government, including in foreign nations where the US has military bases and other assets.
So, in addition to the vast amount of mostly rural real estate owned by the federal government, the real estate of any mortgage company that falls in to receivership (bankruptcy) will also be managed by the federal government. In cases where insolvent mortgage companies owe money to the federal government (including the IRS), the government would soon directly be the full or partial owner of the prior assets of the insolvent mortgage companies.
Again, this development might not be called a communist revolution, but perhaps just an incremental transfer of affluence toward public bureaucracy. Again, I began detailing these predictable developments in early 2003. While many of my published analysis of investment markets did not focus on this particular long-term issue, such as “the Real US Deficit: OIL” in 2004 and “Worth it’s weight in… OIL” in 2005, I was focusing on the simplest causes and emerging short-term effects in particular, rather than on the long-term implications.
In private conversations, I have never avoided the fact that the obvious implications that a credit crisis of the scale I forecast would predictably resolve in to a massive bankruptcy spree (and directly said so in many publications). I have also directly mentioned the “bottleneck” that I expected in the US bankruptcy court system in particular (because I am not so familiar with the EU or Japanese bankruptcy court systems). A bottleneck means that the court system would not be able to quickly handle the administration of a massive surge of bankruptcy cases that I predict. A government may or may not rush to efficiently resolve such a bottleneck.
What can we do?
Some people propose to march on wall street or otherwise promote a more direct communist revolution of the working class proletariat herd. That might work. In Tienanmin Square in China, it did not work so well though. Of course, I think that the government there already directly owns or indirectly controls (thorugh licenses and permits and so on) virtually all economic activity there. Is it really a “solution” to speed up a process for which the federal bureaucracy may not be prepared? Or would the urgency suddenly inspire efficiency (and how about “equity” and “justice”)?
Some propose a new constitutional convention and even what amounts to a civil war against the court sytems and other government bureaucracies. That might work, too. Of course, the last civil war in the US did not go so well for the secessionists.
More immediately relevant than those long-term collective endeavours is prudent adaption of one’s own financial choics. I mean to work the system as in “work WITH the system.”
In years of work with a bankruptcy law firm and otherwise, I realize that most people do not use the protections of the laws and court system, perhaps because most people do not know the protections of the laws and court system. A first step, for those with assets and revenues, is to appropriately shelter your assets and revenues, protecting them from current or future claims by creditors or plaintiffs. A few hundred dollars spent on conservative precautions can save thousands of dollars in legal costs (and one may even lose any lawsuit that arises).
“Appropriately shelter” means to identify current legal protections and use them, yet do not exclusively rely on those legal protections to be enforced or continued (as sudden political change is increasingly possible). Use privacy and even secrecy when possible so as not to have to rely on court officers to resolve any legal controversies at potentially great delay and great cost (from attorney fees and court fees and of course possible losses due to new laws or new constitutional amendments and so on).
Also, many people vastly over-estimate the value of their credit score relative to the value of their cash, cash flow, and assets. If the lending industry collapses (or if you lose your job), how much value will a great credit history be for you?
Further, many people vastly over-estimate the long-term value of their real estate holdings and stock markets holdings (including in pensions and so forth). Market prices in 2005 or 2011 simply do not predict future prices.
Most people do not have any major protections in place to insulate their assets and revenues from future or current liabilities (debts, lawsuits, etc). Most people do not have any awareness of the vast array of exemptions and protections of bankruptcy law, which is the foundation of all contract disputes, as bankruptcy courts are functionally superior to all the inferior courts that handle lawsuit cases for individual contracts. Anyone who goes in to a contract dispute without an awareness of standard bankruptcy protections may find that a huge court judgment which costs them time and money to produce may be entirely worthless. Debtors or targets of lawsuits who  have planned their finances around the protections of the law may have a much more relaxed and simple experience in the event of a contract dispute or legal controversy arising.
I promote the use of exempt shelters (such as charitable trusts that qualify for protection under bankruptcy laws as “spendthrift” trusts). I also offer services of managing the investments of trust funds to fit with the present opportunity and volatily of markets. Just as most people have no idea about the protections of bankruptcy law, most investors also have no idea about the realistic risks and opportunities of markets like real estate, stocks, currencies and commodities.
Just as court systems are designed for the orderly redistribution of wealth from one party to another, so are investment markets. There are always emerging opportunities unknown to the masses. Average methods never produce above average results. Only above average methods produce above average results, and only far above average methods produce far above average results.

first harmony then prosperity

August 9, 2011
Harmony internally, then prosperity externally

Yes, “there is more to life than money.” Also important, “a fool and his money are soon parted.”

So be aware of the possibility of being foolish about wealth. Be aware of the possibility of being foolish about all of life or any of it. Then be aware of the possibility of being calm and clear and courageous about life, including the aspect of life regarding wealth.
Lately, many people are talking about financial risk and results that they have called surprising. Many of them have been investing their trust in mass media or massive bureaucracies like the insurance company AIG or the Federal Reserve or the government of the USSR– you thought I was going to say US, didn’t you?
What have been the consequences of investing trust in the mass media and massive bureaucracies? Have those results (perhaps such as being unpleasantly surprised) raised the question as to whether those methods might have been foolish? Is it possible that foolish methods of investing trust may produce the result of financial losses, rather like the saying goes that “a fool and his money are soon parted?”
What about discounting the importance of financial realities? Are finances suddenly important to you or were they always important and only recently recognized as important? How about this: are gasoline or electricity suddenly important to you or were they always important and only recently recognized as important because we could take them for granted until prices reached a point that we altered our perspective and our behavior based on things like rising gasoline prices.
For many years, I have been focusing on the possibility of rising fuel prices and their consequences on the economies of Japan, the USSR, Europe, and the US. My publication in 2004 of “the Real US Deficit: OIL” featured a section called “the DominOIL effect” relating to why I expected fuel prices to continue their dramatic rise that began in 1999 and what consequences I expected in the US, which I expected to be similar to what had been happening in Japan since 1989 and the UK and EU since 1999.
The next chart shows the all-time low of inflation-adjusted prices of gasoline in the US in 1999. Global oil prices also made a major low in 1999.
The last chart is a chart of the stock market of the UK. Next, here is what gas prices in the US were near the time of that article in 2004:
My central question (in this 2004 publication: was “how many dollars will it cost to buy a gallon of gasoline next year?” Here is an 8-year chart of what happened:
(from here:
Some people have questioned my logic because of oil and gasoline prices falling sharply in 2008.  However, for those that have the courage to read my old articles, I did not say that demand for fuel would never drop or that prices would never drop.
On the contrary, I simply said that diminishing supplies (since the easily predictable peaking of global oil production in 2006) would raise prices enough to slow down the global economy, including that of the US. That predictable slowing of economic activity would predictably reduce demand for fuel, which would predictably drop prices. The drop in 2008 does not disprove the accuracy of the logic, but establish it. I may have even published all of that content, but it is pretty easy to see the logic one’s self if one is willing and able to face the simple facts.
How can the global economy expand after the 2006 peak in oil production? It must contract. Economic activity drops as fuel supply drops. Things like currency inflation or credit deflation are secondary financial measures relative to a primary tangible economic issue like an empty fuel tank in your car. Having lots of cash or credit but being out of gas in the middle of a desolate highway do not make a fool into a genius. Primary functional economic tangibles like gasoline and food are the things that we value having currency to access. No one cares much about currency (or gold) when they are starving, right?
So, it was the spiking of fuel prices by 2007 that were accompanied by the steep decline of global stock prices in 2008. After stocks began to plummet, fuel prices did too eventually- all as I predicted. Further, real estate borrowing had predictably diminished considerably as well, so real estate prices predictably declined dramatically, which resulted in financial trouble for many financial institutions, such as FNMA, AIG, and WaMu, as I specifically predicted in a video that has been online since 2006. (I can send a link to those interested.)
Once fuel prices fell, the global stock market began to recover. However, gasoline prices in the US recently approached their 2008 highs again (in red below).

In 2007, stocks peaked while gasoline (and silver) rose. Then silver peaked next in early 2008), then gasoline. Doesn’t that imply that rising fuel prices may have been the cause of the decline in prices of stocks (in the US and globally) and even of silver? Or maybe it was the high silver prices that brought down everything, right? 😉
When gasoline prices in the US reached a high enough level in April to reverse the spending behavior of the US economy, dropping demand enough to reduce purchases and bring down gasoline prices. However, that reduction in a fundamental behavior within the US economy also brought down the prices of the US stock market (blue above) and even of silver (green above).
In fact, those three things peaked on the exact same day: April 29th, 2011 (close-up shown below). But no one could have predicted that rising gasoline prices would have in any way effected the US economy or spending habits or stock prices or even silver prices, right? Rising fuel prices could not really have any effect on popping bubbles of speculative mania, would they?

Then again, maybe the cause was President Bush or President Obama, not gasoline prices. Or maybe they are personally responsible for gasoline prices- like maybe whether the prices of gasoline rise or fall is totally dependent on the choices of exactly one person.
But why did the Japanese economy slow down in 1989? Why did European economies begin to slow in 1999? Did $11 gallons of diesel in the UK in 2008 have any effect on the spending behaviors and economic activities of business and consumers within the UK?
Possible? Yes.
Predictable? Yes!
So, what is coming next? More selling of stocks and real estate. I’ve been warning of that since before 2004. I knew that the speculative bubbles would not last forever and were nearing their extremes. Real estate began peaking in 2005 (in places like Phoenix) and soon extended to most of the US (and much of Europe etc).  Stocks began peaking in the US in 2007 (at least for most sectors, excluding high tech, which peaked several years prior).
Of course there were a few exceptions, like the US stock sector HUI (shown above). However, the mining stocks of HUI are part of the same economy, too. They actually peaked in early April this year (pink):
What has done well? Here are a few examples of gains approaching 100% gains in the last 10 days:
What else did well lately? I sold a put option for $1.07 today that closed Friday at $.17. That change (up over 400%) is a pretty decent increase for a single day, right?
But remember, the mass media and massive bureaucracies may indicate that there is no such thing as predictability, or at least not in certain instances. Even notice that as you are reading this sentence, there is absolutely no way to predict that this sentence is going to end with a punctuation mark, is there?
No one could have predicted any of this. The future is completely unrelated to the past- not just your personal future, but even the future of how this sentence is going to end.
Nature does not have any patterns in it. And that, as always, is entirely the fault of the US President. Or the Federal Reserve. Or OPEC. Or this sentence.
So how are we going to fix the problem of nature not having any predictable patterns in it? First, let’s blame someone else because that has always worked marvelously in the past, right? Then let’s wait for the person that we blame to save us from them. Finally, let’s complain about how waiting for them to save us from them is still not working again as usual as always.
Just do not adjust. After all, adjusting could effect your actual results, and no one is interested in financial security or economic prosperity because that would be evil and shameful and of no functional relevance whatsoever. So, is any of this fooling you?
Keep in mind that sometimes translations can shift the implication of a message. If someone were to suggest that proudly foolish naivete about financial speculative bubbles was a major risk, deserving great caution, do you think that message might be translated like this: “proud attachment to ideals about wealth is dangerous” or even “the love of money is the root of all evil?”
It’s not ignorance that is most risky. It is believing that something is so when in fact it is not.
From an emotional or irrational attachment to false presumptions, blame and anger and grief and agonizing and proud argumentativeness and shame all may arise predictably. Learn that, either the easy way or the hard way, but learn it fast.
By the way, yesterday at the close of trading (Monday 8/8/2011), I purchased some call options on the US Stock market. Those positions rise in value when stock prices rise. After one of the biggest down days in US stocks in decades, I understood that the panic of the masses after the weekend downgrade of US debt could be a short-term buy signal for US stocks.
So, after stock futures dropped another 2% in overnight trading, they then reversed 4% and are again pushing toward an open of more than 2% up. That should produce overnight gains of well over 100% for those instruments.
I sold those call options for a gain of only 40% overnight. But that was just the start of the day. It got better…..

“negativity” about when gas prices will be 65 cents again

August 7, 2011

Let’s start with an analogy. Then, I will tell you about when gas will be 65 cents per gallon again and when the US economy will recover. Okay?

Do you know how much the speed limit is for a school zone? Many school zones have speed limits around 25 miles per hour, but they can even be as low as 15. Imagine, however, that someone was driving through a school zone at about 50 miles per hour. This was during school hours, but there all that happened in this case was that the driver hit a speed bump pretty hard and was startled to notice that there was a bump there and only then noticed that the speed limit was 25.

Now, I do not know how many of you know any 84 year-old women. However, some 84 year-old women do not like the idea of speed bumps. Some of them say things like “I am concerned that this speed bump could damage my car.”

I might say, “the speed bumps are not likely to damage your car if you drive over them at 15 miles per hour instead of, for instance, 50 miles per hour.” She might say, “yeah, but I do not appreciate those people trying to damage my car like that. It’s just not right!”

So, this is how I found out about the 50 mile per hour race through the school zone and her startling discovery of a speed bump right there in the middle of the school zone. I said to her “wow, you know that driving 50 miles per hour over a speed bump can damage your car, right?”

She said, “Yes, but I do not appreciate your negativity about the subject. Think positive.”

I said, “I am thinking positive. I am thinking that because you like to stay out of jail, then you can observe the speed limit, especially in the school zones, and make sure to slow down before you drive over those speed bumps. It’s just not safe to drive that fast in a school zone.”

“So what you are saying is that should I buckle my seat belt? You always say that and it is so annoying!” she said.

“Didn’t you have it on?” I replied.

“No, I don’t like how they feel. You know that the strap just bothers my neck,” She said.

So, that is sometimes how conversations go. People may categorize as negative something that they would prefer to dismiss.

Categorizing something as negative- other than a negative number or a negative ion– can actually be a process of dismissing it or negating it. The so-called negativity of a recommendation to slow down before driving over a speed bump is not inherent in the recommendation or the speed bump. The label of negativity implies a contrast between positive reinforcement or encouragement and negative reinforcement or discouragement.

Now let’s talk about gas prices. Gas prices used to be 65 cents in the United States. That was many decades ago, but many people remember when prices were around 65 cents or even lower.

Imagine that someone asked in 1980, “when are gas prices in the US going to recover to their prior level of 65 cents?” I might say, “never.” They might say, “do not be so negative. Think positive!”

Next, imagine that someone asked in 1990, when are gas prices in the US going to recover to their prior level of 65 cents? I might say, “never.” Again they might say, “do not be so negative. Think positive!”

In the year 2000 or 2010 or 2020 or 2030, someone might keep asking me when gas prices will recover to their prior levels. I may keep answering the same answer. They may keep dismissing my answer as negative.

Next, let’s talk about stock market prices in Japan. We could be talking about real estate prices in Japan, but let’s talk about stock market prices in Japan.

In 1990, someone might have asked when are stock prices in Japan going to recover to their 1989 high. Someone might answer, “they might not ever recover to that level.” That might be called “negative,” right?

In 2000, someone might have asked again when are stock prices in Japan going to recover to their 1989 high. Someone might answer again, “they might not ever recover to that level.” That still might be called “negative,” right?

In 2010 or 2020 or 2030, someone might continue to ask when will the Japanese economy recover, when will stock prices recover, or when will real estate prices recover. The answer may still be “maybe never.” That answer still may be dismissed as negative.

Consider that one factor in the Japanese economy is the cost of fuel, which was recently over 7 dollars per gallon when priced in US Dollars. As fuel prices rose there, that effected the spending and borrowing behaviors of businesses and individuals. Their economy slowed down, kind of like an 84 year-old woman who was already startled by a speed bump the last time that she drove through that particular school zone. High fuel prices were like a speed bump interrupting the prior economic patterns from when gasoline was 65 cents a gallon.

In 2008, prices of diesel briefly exceeded $11 per gallon in the UK. As fuel prices rose since 1999, the economy of the UK hit a speed bump. People bought less stocks and sold more stocks. Stock prices came down since 1999. Real estate prices came down, too.

Many people asked when would the UK recover. Other people said “maybe never.” Some people dismissed that answer as negative.

(UK stock market prices 1984-2011):

Now, let’s talk about a few price forecasts. In 2004, I published a forecast of rising prices for fuel worldwide and a series of predictable consequences on prices of other things, such as US real estate and US stocks.

These forecasts were based in part on the observation of prior developments such as in Japan or the UK. Even moreso, these forecasts were also based on reports from oil geologists going back to the 1950s.

I first published a warning about a decline in US real estate prices in 2003. I saw the change in lending behavior (in credit markets) and deduced the eventual consequences of it. At the time, I did not connect the change in lending behavior to the change in fuel prices. That was in 2004.

Many people have called my forecasts “negative.” In fact, my forecasts of a drop in price in various markets were forecasts of negative price change for those markets. My forecasts for rising prices for oil and gasoline (when that was my current forecast at the time) were forecasts of positive percent increases as in rising price change.

In my 2003 publication, I featured a US stock sector that was doing much better than the rest of the US stock market at that time. By 2010, the stock prices of that group of US stocks was up over 1600%. That would be a positive change in price. Prices of other things decreased or changed at a negative rate. Some forecasts are negative and some are positive.

Right now, I also forecast that driving over speed bumps at 50 miles per hour can damage a car. We could call that a forecast of a negative consequence. It is not positive thinking to talk about how driving over a speed bump can damage a car. Positive thinking would be something else entirely, like thinking positively of driving 25 miles per hour in a school zone while actually driving 50 miles per hour in a school zone.

So, when will the economy of Japan recover to what it was when gas was 65 cents per gallon? It might not. When will driving over a speed bump at 50 miles per hour be safe? It might not.

“Yeah, but when is someone going to remove that horrible speed bump from that annoying school zone?” They might. However, now the speed bump is there.

“Yeah, but when will gasoline be 65 cents per gallon again?” It might. However, it isn’t that now. It is something else.

In fact, gasoline prices are not the same everywhere. We mentioned that gas prices in Japan and the UK were higher than some other places. There is a table of prices here:

For instance, in Saudi Arabia or Iran or Libya, gasoline prices have recently been about 65 cents per gallon (with prices converted to US Dollars). Those places have a lot of oil and not so much demand from cars. You can imagine how people in Japan or the UK feel about gasoline prices that are less than ten percent of what the Japanese and British pay in those places with high demand for auto fuel and little or no crude oil.

In Venezuela, gas prices have been about 10 cents per gallon for many years (with prices converted to US Dollars). Again, you can probably imagine how jealous the people in Arabia or Libya feel about gas prices of only 10 cents per gallon.

Someone recently asked me “when are prices of gasoline going to be 10 cents again in Saudi Arabia? They are all the way up to 65 cents per gallon now- isn’t that just horrible?” Can you guess what I told them?

Naturally, what I told them is that gasoline prices will only recover after people stop driving 50 miles per hour over speed bumps. Further, US economic growth will not recover to come close to what it was when gasoline here was 65 cents per gallon unless it does. It might. It might not. It hasn’t yet.

It is interesting to note that, in Kuwait, the net trade surplus from oil is over $33,000 per year per person. That is an unusually large transfer of wealth from other nations to that one, like for an infant who happens to be born there.

My forecast continues to be that oil-rich regions like Alaska, Arabia, and Alberta will continue to experience profound economic growth relative to places like the UK or Japan or Nevada. I might be wrong, though. After all, the Soviet Union dissolved even though it was one of the most oil-rich regions of the planet (but not per capita- just overall).

Eventually, one of my forecasts will probably be wrong- even inevitably. So far though, there has been a distinctively positive correlation between my forecasts and actual developments. Many other people have made alternate forecasts based on such methodologies as “positive thinking” and “hope for change” and “irrational exuberance,” but there has been a negative correlation between their declared forecasts and the actual reality that emerged.

Now, I have a few more questions for you. If a person has $50,000 of cash and then they make a new promise to pay $500,000 on a mortgage, then how much additional cash do they have after making that new promise and spending $5,000 as a down payment on their real estate speculation? Did you notice that the question itself reveals a lack of comprehension of the subject matter?

Next, if an insurance company has $50 million dollars and then they make new promises to pay up to $500 million dollars in policy claims, then how much additional cash do they have after making all those new promises and spending $5 million in paying out prior debts? Again, did you notice that the question itself reveals a lack of comprehension of the subject matter?

If a bunch of naive stock market speculators pour millions of dollars in to trading the stocks of various companies, such as AIG (pictured above) how much does that increase the profitability of those companies? In other words, how much does it increase net profits of a company when investors buy and sell stocks of a company? It doesn’t.

Similarly, when investors buy and sell stocks of other companies, driving up those share prices, does that really have any lasting effect on the tangible book value of other companies who also own sharing of, for instance, Enron or AIG or FNMA? How do fluctuations in the market pricing of the stocks for a company filing bankruptcy effect the debt to asset ratio of the company (their solvency)? It doesn’t.

To compute the book value of one thing off of the market pricing and recent comps of another thing is one method of computing a book value figure. However, to do so reflects some fundamental presumptions about prices, the stability of prices, and, in particular, the risk of the sudden deflating of credit bubbles (as in bubbles of legally valid promises for future performance which may or may not actually occur in the future as promised).

I assert that most people are not related realistically to the reality of prices (or speculative bubble of credit promises). For instance, they may not be related to the reality of how gasoline prices vary from place to place and from time to time. They may even call such variations in pricing unpredictable or incomprehensible or horrible or negative or unfair.

Similarly, most people may not be related to a realistic future cash value of their insurance policies or their real estate or their stocks. They may be surprised by future variations in pricing.

Accountants may know the term “Tangible Book Value Per Share.”

That is a computation of the value of a business based in large part on current assessed value of current assets. Some companies may have a negative “book value,” such as insurance companies who regularly make promises far in excess of their current capacity to pay.

Again, those computations are based on current assessments, including current assessed value of their stock holdings in other companies and current assessed value of their real estate holdings. But that is a problem. “Book values” are being computed based on other assessed values (current market pricing), not on other “book values.”

Accountants may also recognize other ratios such as Price to Book Value. That means a ratio of the difference between the market pricing or assessed value and the book value, which is computed off of other market pricing or assess values. Again, do you notice the irony in this?

How much additional cash does an insurance company have after making new promises totaling $500 million in debt? They might not have any new cash based on taking on new debt.

How much additional cash does a real estate borrower have after making new promises totaling $500,000 in debt? They might not have any new cash based on taking on new debt.

Finally, how much additional tangible book value does a company have if the market pricing of it’s own assets rises by 100%? If those assets with rising market prices are just inflated real estate mortgage contracts or inflated stock prices or inflated promises from insurance policies, there might not be any new tangible value in that company.

New promises do not in themselves produce new tangible value. New debts do not equal new net profits.

Call this comment negative if you like, but going 50 miles per hour does not remove the speed bump from the road ahead or convert the school zone into an abandoned highway. Consider also that there is an immense opportunity present, but it is not available by presuming first that prices never change, and second that when they do, those changes are totally unpredictable.