Posts Tagged ‘one god’

many names, but only one God

June 28, 2012

Many names refer to only one God (a single simple truth). This same idea has been represented in many different languages.

only one god, many names

“The Divine Source is complete, whole, undivided, inclusive, holy, singular, unity, without boundary.”

道可道, 非常道

“The Divine Source is not just one or more words about the Divine Source. Words cannot isolate the Divine Source.”

“There is no Divine Source except the Divine Source.”

Once there was a branch which said to the tree, “How can I become part of the tree?” The tree replied “treat every other branch as if it were a branch of a single tree.” Then the branch replied, “What? That must be the wrong answer. I know that I am better than those other branches. Before I take you seriously, you need to prove to me that you are really a real tree, and that you really exist, okay?”

On a tree, is there any branch of the tree does not contain the tree? Is there any clay pot which is not formed from clay by a potter?

The “Kingdom” of God is like a tree. From a single tiny seed, such as a mustard seed, many branches form, with each branch abiding within a huge tree.

God abides in me and I abide in God. What is isolated from God? That is a silly question- nonsense- like asking which branch of a tree is isolated from the tree.

If someone asks to be shown proof of a tree, is not a branch the proof of a tree? Which branch does not prove the existence of a seed?

Only those without understanding of the simplicity of the meaning of God would make reference to “proving the existence of God.” Everything that you perceive is evidence of God just as everything you perceive is evidence of you. It is silly to ask someone to prove that they exist. That kind of an inquiry is silly from the beginning. That you exist is a sufficient proof of God.

If someone is not familiar with this meaning of the word God, that is an innocent ignorance, like an infant who does not know how to speak at all will of course not be familiar any meaning of the word God (so they cannot even be confused about it!). There is no need to prove that life exists or that God exists or that trees exist or that language exists. However, until one is clear about what any of these labels mean, there may be a sincere question as to whether or not language exists or life exists and so on- as long as there is no clarity about what the word “life” means or what the word “language” means.

No one asks if biology really exists because they understand that biology is a category in language, rather than a specific quality such as “red” or “tall.” God has ALL qualities. Biology is evidence of God’s existence. Everything else is too.

Now, if someone who does not understand the English language asks for proof that the English language exists, speaking to them in English may not help. If someone says that they are fluent in English but they are not, then they may be able to fool someone who does not speak English. However, anyone fluent in English will be able to instantly recognize their lack of fluency.

So, when someone speaks of God to someone who understands God, the one who understands can recognize who does and who does not understand. When someone speaks of God to another who does not directly understand God, there can be much confusion. They may start talking a bunch of nonsense about whether or not life exists and how to prove or disprove the existence of trees. They are just socializing. Such “religion” involves no introspection of practical value, and it is no wonder that so many intelligent people reject the foolishness of idolaters who use the word God frequently but use it without any direct clarity as to how the word God is related to the many parables and teachings of the authentic “messengers” of the spiritual truth of God (or the most recognizable “voices” of God), such as Gautama Shakyamuni.

The “Kingdom” of God is also like a potter which forms pots of clay. The potter makes each form. When you see a bunch of clay pots, which one has not been made by a potter from clay?

The existence of a branch proves that a tree exists and also that God exists. Even the existence of language proves that God exists, just as the existence of a single word, such as God, is sufficient evidence of the existence of language (AKA “the spiritual realm”).

God is simply a word for the Divine Source which forms all forms, all names, all words, all labels, all languages, all identities, all patterns, and all developments (events, perceptions, etc). In other languages, other words are used for that Divine Source, such as Allah, Brahman, Tao, Yahweh, and so on.

Diagram of the names of God in Oedipus Aegyptiacus

Diagram of the names of God in Oedipus Aegyptiacus (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So shall you struggle to prove the existence of an alphabet? Those without understanding may tangle themselves up in sincere arguments and even passionate conflicts about which branch best proves the existence of a tree or which language is the most linguistic. Beware of such fools and their foolishness.

Just like a parrot can make the sound of a word, making a sound is not evidence of understanding or comprehension or fluency. Just like an infant can copy the sounds of a foreign language, it is no evidence of understanding to repeat phrases. Making the sounds “I understand English”
is not evidence of an understanding of English. Beware of those who use the word God in vain, in foolishness, in arrogance, in naivete. By “their fruits,” one can identify whether someone understands the linguistic metaphor “God” or whether someone is just an idolater worshiping a particular word in a particular language.

There is a time for the repeating of phrases and sounds. For an infant, there may be great interest in repeating sounds like a parrot. Let the ones with a great interest in the repeating of sounds and phrases explore their interest.

There is a time for budding and for blossoming and for a flower to spread it’s petals. Let the ones with a great interest in arguing over words explore their interest. There may come a time for the exploring of the Divine Source which is beyond all words. There may come a time for exploring that which is evidenced by it’s creations.

Once there was a branch which said to the tree, “How can I become part of the tree?” The tree replied “treat every other branch as if it were a branch of a single tree.” Then the branch replied, “What? That must be the wrong answer. I know that I am better than those other branches. Before I take you seriously, you need to prove to me that you are really a real tree, and that you really exist, okay?”

It is like asking someone to prove that they had a mother. “I do not believe that you were ever a little tiny fetus in a womb. That is ridiculous. Look how huge you are now. How could you fit inside of a woman’s belly?”


Life (Photo credit: aftab.)