dreamers, critics, and realists

Norman Vincent Peale, Christian preacher and a...

Norman Vincent Peale, Christian preacher and author of The Power of Positive Thinking (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

 dreamers, critics, and realists
It is natural to dream up new ideas in leisure time and possibly pursue some new exploration. It is also natural to become a critic when some dream or idea or possibility or inspiration is resisted or ridiculed or simply ignored by others. For instance, if others criticize my new focus, it is natural that I might criticize them, at least if I am more interested in the new focus than I am in the relationship with the particular person (or else I might just drop the new focus in favor of attracting their approval).

Nature (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

So, critics have the role of helping us sort through the possibilities that are only of passing interest and those that lastingly inspire. However, investing my own time in offering unsolicited criticism can be exhausting. I might be interested in socializing with others who share my criticisms of something I have been experiencing with fear or even rage.

And then there is the possibility of realismRealism does not criticize criticism nor dream of an end to dreaming. Each have their function.
With regard to a suprisingly frightening shift in economic trends, many may find someone to criticize. Others may find someone to share their dreams of an easy solution, choosing against an exploration of a new personal adaption. By the way, criticism is also a choice against exploring new personal adaptions.
Others are realistic about the importance of personal adaption. Many things are predictable but beyond control, such as the cold of winter or the darkness of night. What is predictable but beyond control can be adapted to, rather than just dreaming that autumn can skip straight to spring or that criticizing the darkness of dusk will make it brighter.
Many have been surprised by easily predictable developments in economic trends. I say easily predictable because I read several predictions starting in 2002, then I issued new ones of my own, and then I witnessed the responses of people not only to my predictions but to the manifesting of the exact sequence of “surprises” that I had been predicting.
Nature rewards realism. Nature can punish criticism that neglects to adapt, as well as dreaminess that neglects to adapt.
I am not saying not to find people who can accept your criticisms, for those may be people you would be willing to trust. Just keep adapting as well.
I am not saying not to explore “positive thinking” or “the law of attraction.” Just do so with an openness to adapt, rather than a rejection of adaptiveness that may actually harbor contempt or criticism. Nature does not owe us abundance. Abundance is a reward provided by nature sometimes for realism and sometimes for no obvious reason.
Those who reject or even criticize realism may find that nature does not reward such behavior. Nature rewards realism.
Published on: Jul 28, 2011
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3 Responses to “dreamers, critics, and realists”

  1. Nate Maingard Says:

    hey, thanks for the link to my video in there, muchly appreciated:):)

  2. terriblethinker Says:

    interesting post. i like what u mentioned about nature rewarding realism

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