Language, expectations, and the realm of possibility

Cover of "The Realm of Possibility"

Cover of The Realm of Possibility

In life, I began without any expectations. Expectations require language. I did not begin life with language. I simply began life as life.

When life started calling itself “I,” then soon this “I” started to form expectations: how life is, how life should be, and how life obviously could not ever be. In other words, life formed linguistic constructions about how I am, how I should be, and how I obviously could never be. Expectations, again, are just a certain kind of linguistic construction.

To focus on a particular possibility is similar to having a particular expectation. In both cases, I proceed while attentive to a particular kind of thing.

However, there is a huge distinction between an expectation and a possibility. An expectation is something that happens to us. A possibility is something that we invent or recognize. Notice the following models of reality.

Neuroimaging sheds light on the seat of suffering

Neuroimaging sheds light on the seat of suffering (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“Those people are not how they should be. Let’s attack them!”

“That other person is behaving outside of my expectations. I will complain to them to fix their behavior!”

“My expectations do not conform to the reality of the behaviors I observe and the experience I am having. I would like to explore what is possible in conversation with others.”

“I am not fulfilling a particular possibility. I would like to explore how to fulfill what is possible in partnership with one or more people who are at least open to that possibility.”

Which of those linguistic models correspond to what is known as suffering or sin or hell? Which of those linguistic models are not hellish or sinful or agonizing?

Which is a model of victimhood and distress? Which is a model of mutual respect and influence?

Expectations naturally lead to tantrums and resentment and upset. Possibilities naturally result in breakdowns, which create the opportunity for breakthroughs in performance and results.

In life, I began without a focus on any particular possibility. Possibilities require language. I did not begin life with language. I simply began life as life.

Life is the realm of language. Language is the realm of possibility. Expectations are one possible form of possibility.

Possibility is the realm of expectations. Until possibilities are invented or recognized or distinguished, then expectations can only happen to us.

Possibility Pictures

Possibility Pictures (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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One Response to “Language, expectations, and the realm of possibility”

  1. Sebastian Says:

    Thank you for sharing the link to my post “Believing God for the Possible” on…I really appreciate it! God bless!

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