how to stop suffering


To ask “how do I end suffering” is to perpetuate suffering. Notice that suffering is a practice, a behavior, a habit.

How do you stop walking? You can just allow yourself to stand still, which does not require any effort and is not so much a new doing of a stopping… as the ending of an old activity or process of walking.
You can’t really stop walking. You can only walk or not walk.
So, how do you stop suffering? You can’t really stop suffering. You can simply suffer or not suffer.
How do you stop agonizing? You simply agonize or not.
How do you stop whistling? You simply whistle or not.
By the way, if you think that the suffering is you, you can either think that or not. How do you stop thinking? You either think or not.
What notices thinking and walking and suffering and whistling and agonizing? Agonizing does not notice agonizing. Whistling does not notice whistling.
Notice who you are. Suffering or not suffering is only a problem if you claim to be one who has that problem as your personal, private problem. Whistling or not not whistling is only a problem if you claim to be the one who has that problem as your personal, private problem. Walking or not walking, agonizing or not agonizing, identifying a problem or not identifying a problem are all various actions that you can either perform or not.
What is the best problem to have? What is the right way to agonize? How do I stop suffering? How can I become more like I already am?
These are all silly questions. You can either ask silly questions or not.
You can even pretend to be the victim of your own agonizing. You can pretend that your problems are causing you to suffer, but perhaps you have been agonizing various problems into your experience.
Now, stop suffering. End suffering. Then, push so hard on the wind that you stop the wind.

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